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Notes on Incorporating Time Use into the NTA Project James Mahmud Rice (Australian National University)

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1 Notes on Incorporating Time Use into the NTA Project James Mahmud Rice (Australian National University)

2 Outline  Potential importance for crossnational comparisons  A man marrying his housekeeper or babysitter  Crossnational differences in the extent to which, for example, child care production is performed by the market, the state, or the household  Crossnational differences in the extent to which, for example, child care production is included in NTAs and SNAs  Household versus individual surveys  Collects time use data from all (adult) household members  Australian Time Use Survey  Many European time use surveys  Collects time use data from one household member  American Time Use Survey  Survey availability and coverage  Centre for Time Use Research, University of Oxford, website  Classifying activities into “unpaid work”  Activity classifications  Third person criterion  Multinational Time Use Study

3 ABS (2000) Unpaid Work and the Australian Economy: 1997


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