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1 Industrial Waste Data Tracking: Surveys & Other Information Collection Presented by: Melissa Reboul LDEQ Pretreatment MODULE 3.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Industrial Waste Data Tracking: Surveys & Other Information Collection Presented by: Melissa Reboul LDEQ Pretreatment MODULE 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Industrial Waste Data Tracking: Surveys & Other Information Collection Presented by: Melissa Reboul LDEQ Pretreatment MODULE 3

2 2 Industrial Waste Survey: IU Master List Define IU vs SIU Locate IUs subject to program Determine need for control Classify IUs Plan for the future

3 3 Where to Start... Records Applications Directories Associations Internet Field observations

4 4 Industrial waste questionnaire Typical Contents: Basic/Detailed questionnaire Recipients Collecting the Information

5 5 Survey Tracking Delivery and return dates Completeness Certification statement - signature Document all contacts with potential IU’s Follow-up activities for non-receipt

6 6 Verification of Data Why? Promote Understanding Nature and sequence of operations Volume, nature, and frequency of discharge Discrepancies Deficiencies

7 7 Submitting the SIU List Original pretreatment program submission Approval authority annual report (updates) At the request of EPA/Approval Authority

8 8 Sources Available to Update the List of IUs Review of permits Permit reapplications On-site inspections Review of water records Advertise/Public notice Drive-bys!

9 9 Contents of Permit Applications l General information l Business activity l Water usage l Sewer information l Wastewater discharge information l Characteristics of discharge l Pretreatment l Facility operations l Spill prevention l “Non-discharged” wastes l Certification and authorized signature l Stored Chemicals - MSDS

10 10 Reviewing the Data l Importance of the data l Completeness Blank spaces vs. "not applicable" Obtaining a response for minor deficiencies Major deficiencies

11 11 Reviewing the Data, continued l Common deficiencies incompleteness Facility layout Discharge data Proper signing official

12 12 Reviewing the Data, continued l Accuracy 100% detection of inaccuracies may not be possible Primary areas for intense review Resolution protocols

13 13 Verification of Data: Review of Background Information l Current permit and fact sheet l Previous permit application l Baseline monitoring report (BMR) l Wastewater survey questionnaires l Inspection reports l Sampling data l Self-monitoring reports l Notifications l Enforcement actions

14 14 Verification of Data: Conducting an Inspection l Production processes l Schematic diagrams l Sewer layout of the IU facility l Pretreatment l Types of batch discharges l Loading, unloading, and storage areas l Sampling locations and methods, and analytical techniques

15 15 Data Management - Key Concepts Thorough documentation is essential Retain all documents and data (at least 3 years) Document all activities Maintain general and facility-specific files

16 16 General Documentation Regulations Legal authority Industrial user classification Local limits development Other documentation

17 17 POTW Approved Program Specific Documentation Permitting Application of standards Industrial user reporting Monitoring/Inspections Compliance evaluations Enforcement

18 18 Industrial User Files General facility information Discharge permits Monitoring data Inspection reports Compliance evaluation conclusions Enforcement actions Correspondence, meeting notes, phone logs

19 19 Inspection Documentation Date and time Names of inspectors and facility contacts Notes on areas inspected Identified changes from previous inspection Findings from records review Evaluation of facility plans (e.g., TOMPs, SPCCs)

20 20 Monitoring Documentation Date, time, and location Sample type Characteristics of wastewater Preservatives used QA/QC for sampling and analysis Sampler and custody signatures Analytical methods Identification of violations

21 21 Classifying IUs Establish Screening Criteria CIU SIU Hauler Other non-SIU

22 22 Resources Available for Classifying IUs, Especially CIUs SIC or NAICS codes EPA development documents Federal register preambles EPA guidance manuals

23 23 Development Documents Processes covered Sources and characteristics Category and subcategory

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