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COMM 4170-01: Applied Organizational Communication Instructor: Dan Lair Day Fifteen: Consulting Interventions October 17, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "COMM 4170-01: Applied Organizational Communication Instructor: Dan Lair Day Fifteen: Consulting Interventions October 17, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMM 4170-01: Applied Organizational Communication Instructor: Dan Lair Day Fifteen: Consulting Interventions October 17, 2005

2 Today’s Agenda Brief discussion of DeWine, Chapter 8 & 13 Group Exercise(s): – Distinguishing intervention types – Case study discussion: Feedback (If time) Exam Review

3 Questions on DeWine, Chapters 8 & 13 Note that Chapter 8 includes a number of valuable resources that you can use to assess communication in an organization. This brings up an important question: What is the relationship between assessment and intervention? In Chapter 13, DeWine argues that the two skills central to effective feedback are 1) active listening and 2) careful descriptions of observed behavior. She then argues that there are three types of feedback: evaluative, interpretive, and descriptive. What are the differences between these types of feedback, and what is the relationship between these skills and the type of feedback DeWine suggests that we should prefer?

4 Group Exercise(s) Step One: Classifying Interventions – Divide into groups of 5 or 6, preferably with someone who has a laptop in each group. – Using DeWine, Ch. 8, make a chart outlining the various types of intervention, identifying specific techniques associated with each approach, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each. – You will e-mail me – and the members of your group -- a copy of your chart (which you can of course use for the exam on Wednesday: that’s the major purpose of this activity!) to This chart will be part of the “class activities” portion of your participation Step Two: Feedback Case Study – After your group has completed step one, begin discussing the case study “Dr. Jeckyl and Pastor Clyde.” – Drawing on DeWine, Ch. 13, as well as other readings on the consulting process, assess Jason Ford’s attempt at providing his consulting services to his church. In particular, think about the following questions: How might Jason have designed his assessment of the church differently in order to avoid the pickle that he as apparently gotten himself into? What specific strategies might have helped him be better prepared? How effective was Jason at providing feedback from his assessment/intervention? Critique his approach and offer suggestions for improvement.

5 Exam Review

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