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Parent Workshop YEAR 1 SPELLING. Parental Engagement

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Workshop YEAR 1 SPELLING. Parental Engagement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Workshop YEAR 1 SPELLING

2 Parental Engagement

3 Outcomes for today:  Stages of development in Spelling  Our Spelling lists (theory)  Different types of words  Let’s revise phonics  Phonics in the classroom  How you can implement spelling at home  Questions

4 Stages of development in Spelling  The earliest stage scribble, mark making, random letters  Second stage- Attempt to spell words using easily heard consonants and some vowels. Usually initial sounds.  Third stage children mostly write words phonetically (‘bicos’ for ‘because’, ‘whot’ for ‘what’).  Fourth stage sees children realising that sounds do not always indicate the correct spelling of words and they move to using a more visual approach and more complex letter patterns (‘aftar’ for ‘after’, ‘gowing’ for ‘going’).  Tricky Words  Sound families eg. oo, ue, ew  Final stage is correct spelling where many words are known automatically.

5 Our Spelling lists Theory for Spelling  There are lots of different ways to teach children to spell, and teachers up and down the country will be all too familiar with the problems of giving children a list of words every week for a spelling test.  There are few things more frustrating when the children get 10/10 in the test each week, but can't replicate that in their written work or generalise words from a spelling pattern they've learnt.  This year, we will be using a research-based learning technique to help your child master new words, so you will be seeing some exciting new changes to the traditional “ten spelling words a week” way that they are being asked to study words.

6 Our Spelling Lists Theory for spelling  Your child will receive a list of 60 words at the beginning of each half term.  So your child is able to practise, revisit, and revise these words for a prolonged period of time (not learnt for a week and forgotten about the following week).  We ask that you work through these words with your child, in no particular order but continue to revisit them on a weekly basis.  It is up to you which words you may focus on each week (we do not advise that you look at all 60 words in one week- we do not want overwhelm children - simply work at your individual child’s unique pace).  HOW CAN YOU REVISE THESE WORDS? HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT FROM HOME?

7 Different types of words  Phonetic- words that can be sounded out  Tricky- can not be sounded out (sight words)  High Frequency- occur often- needed for reading and writing  Contextual- words that are used in our learning

8 Lets Revise Phonics  Pure sounds  Practice  Using sound buttons  Example  The difference between sounds and letters  “These letters make this sound”

9 Phonics in school  New sound each day  Focus on tricky words, high frequency words and phonetic words each day  Steps for Success:  Say the sound,  say the letters in the sound,  find words with the sound,  read words with the sound,  write words with the sound,  write sentences with the sound,  find words that have the same sound but a different spelling  Write the word in context- sentence writing.  Chance to practise

10 Phonics in School  Alien Words and Real Words (Year 1-phonics screening test)  Friday Dictation-  Gives meaning to the word.  Helps develop other skills (grammar).

11 How you can implement spelling at home  Practice reading the words  Along with the reading books/bug club get your child to regularly read the list of spelling words.  Play games of bingo  Create flash cards  Spelling word memory (type of word, sound family or actual word)

12 How you can implement spelling at home  Practice writing the words  Look cover write check- flip, call, blend, write  Write them in sentences  Turn them into stories- how many words can you use in your sentence/story  Broken words- join the sounds together to make words  Sound families  Make a word- Spelling puzzle- write, cut and join.  Spelling word race

13 How you can implement spelling at home  Practice writing the words Stairsteps: Write the words as if they are stairs, adding one sound at a time.  S  Sp  Spe  Spel  Spell  Typing the words  Create your own word search  Play dough, paint, water, shaving foam etc.

14 How you can implement spelling at home  Practice finding the words  Find the words in newspapers/magazines/ reading books (make a tally)  Find the words in the environment

15 Questions

16 Thank you for Attending! Please Remember to fill in our Parent Survey- using surveymonkey

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