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Power plant permits Hans-Roland Lindgren Director Swedish EPA 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Power plant permits Hans-Roland Lindgren Director Swedish EPA 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power plant permits Hans-Roland Lindgren Director Swedish EPA 1

2 Permit outline General information Court decisions Production and production levels applied for Description of formal handling Earlier decisions Application Comments from stakeholders Company comments on comments Court considerations Appeal information Hans-Roland Lindgren

3 General information Date of decision Register number Legal applicant person with address Issue Hans-Roland Lindgren 3

4 Court decision Allowed production (products and amounts) Postponed issues Provisional conditions Final conditions Delegation to lower autorities Hans-Roland Lindgren 4

5 Formal handling Date for arrival of application When and how made public for comments Stakeholders giving comments and proposals Date for company comments on stakeholder comments Date for public hearing Hans-Roland Lindgren5

6 Earlier decisions Overview of earlier decisions with dates for those, delegations and conditions Hans-Roland Lindgren 6

7 Application Orientation about the company and reasons for the application Planned changes Production and processes Energy and chemicals External transports Emissions to air and water Waste and noise Risk for accidents Impact on the environment The EIA-process Location Techniques to reduce impact and related costs Proposed conditions Hans-Roland Lindgren 7

8 Stakeholder comments Swedish EPA National Fishery Board Swedish Rescue Agency County Board The Regional Health Administration Local Authority NGO:s The public Labour Unions Hans-Roland Lindgren8

9 Normal conditions for a coal based power plant SO2 NOx Permits from the 80thies 35-70 mg S/MJt (200-400 mg /Nm3 as SO2) 65 mg/MJt (200 mg/Nm3) New plant guiding values 30 mg S/MJt30 mg/MJt Technical requirements: FGD and SCR or advanced SNCR Hans-Roland Lindgren 9

10 Linköping Power Plant conditions (co-generation) The plant should be operated as proposed by the company if nothing else is specified below Dust from coal, oil and wood boiler should be below 15, 20 and 20 mg/MJt respectively as monthly averages The maximum dust concentration must never exceed 200 mg/MJt S emission must not exceed 50 mg/MJt as yearly average NOx emission must not exceed 90 mg/MJt Hans-Roland Lindgren 10

11 Linköping Power Plant conditions (co-generation) The company should study how to reduce emissions of N2O and NH3. Limit values to be decided by the County Administr. Measures should be taken to reduce diffuse emissions from handling and storage of coal, other fuels and fly ash (as proposed) Chemicals and hazardous waste should be marked and stored under safe conditions under roof and on an impermeable surface Liquid chemicals should be stored indoors or under roof in such a way that the volume of the largest container and 10% of the rest could be contained inside an embankment Hans-Roland Lindgren11

12 Linköping Power Plant conditions (co-generation) Noise should not exceed: 55dB(A) during day 45 dB(A) during night 50 dB(A) during evening (18:00-22:00) in the closest living area Cooling water use should not exceed 40% of river flow during low flow conditions A self-monitoring programme should be prepared within 6 months. Decision by the Count Administration Air emission of Zn and Pb should not exceed 120 and 10 kg/year respectively Tires and other types of waste must not exceed 40% of the total fuel load (the last two conditions are provisional) Hans-Roland Lindgren 12

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