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Wenyuan Dai, Ou Jin, Gui-Rong Xue, Qiang Yang and Yong Yu Shanghai Jiao Tong University & Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Wenyuan Dai, Ou Jin, Gui-Rong Xue, Qiang Yang and Yong Yu Shanghai Jiao Tong University & Hong Kong University of Science and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wenyuan Dai, Ou Jin, Gui-Rong Xue, Qiang Yang and Yong Yu Shanghai Jiao Tong University & Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2  Motivation  Problem Formulation  Graph Construction  Simple Review on Spectral Analysis  Learning from Graph Spectra  Experiments Result  Conclusion


4  A variety of transfer learning tasks have been investigated.

5  Difference ◦ Different tasks ◦ Different approaches & algorithms  Common Common parts or relation

6  We can have a graph: Features Auxiliary Data Training Data Test Data Labels New Representation

7  We can get the new representation of Training Data and Test Data by Spectral Analysis.  Then we can use our traditional non-transfer learner again.


9  Target Training Data: with labels  Target Test Data: without labels  Auxiliary Data:  Task ◦ Cross-domain Learning ◦ Cross-category Learning ◦ Self-taught Learning



12 Cross-domain Learning  -( )-   -( 1 )-

13 Cross-category Learning  -( )-   -( 1 )-

14 Self-taught Learning  -( )-   -( 1 )-

15 Doc-Token MatrixAdjacency Matrix Token … Doc … FeatureLabel Doc? Feature?0 Label00


17  G is an undirected weighted graph with weight matrix W, where.  D is a diagonal matrix, where  Unnormalized graph Laplacian matrix:  Normalized graph Laplacians:

18  Calculate the first k eigenvectors  The New representation: New Feature Vector of the Node2


20  Graph G  Adjacency matrix of G:  Graph Laplacian of G:  Solve the generalized eigenproblem:  The first k eigenvectors form a new feature representation.  Apply traditional learners such as NB, SVM

21 DocFeatureLabel Doc Feature Label DocFeatureLabel Doc Feature Label v1v2 Train Test Auxiliary Feature Label Trainv1v1 v2v2 Testv1v1 v2v2 Classifier

22  The only problem remain is the computation time.  Which is lucky: ◦ Matrix L is sparse ◦ There are fast algorithms for sparse matrix for solving eigen-problem. (Lanczos)  The final computational cost is linear to


24  Basic Progress Training Data Test Data Auxiliary Data New Training Data New Test Data 15 Positive Instances & 15 Negative Instances Baseline Result Repeat 10 times Calculate average Sample Classifier (NB/SVM/TSVM) CV

25  Cross-domain Learning  Data ◦ SRAA ◦ 20 Newsgroups (Lang, 1995) ◦ Reuters-21578  Target data and auxiliary data share the same categories(top directories), but belong to different domains(sub-directories).

26 Cross-domain result with NB

27 Cross-domain result with SVM

28 Cross-domain result with TSVM

29  Cross-domain result on average Non-TransferSimple CombineEigenTransfer NB0.250±0.0360.239±0.0000.134±0.031 SVM0.190±0.0390.213±0.0000.095±0.018 TSVM0.140±0.0380.145±0.0000.101±0.019

30  Cross-category Learning  Data ◦ 20 Newsgroups (Lang, 1995) ◦ Ohscal data set from OHSUMED (Hersh et al. 1994)  Random select two categories as target data. Take the other categories as auxiliary labeled data.

31 Cross-category result with NB

32 Cross-category result with SVM

33 Cross-category result with TSVM

34  Cross-category result on average Non-TransferEigenTransfer NB0.186±0.0380.099±0.025 SVM0.131±0.0320.065±0.016 TSVM0.104±0.0100.091±0.013

35  Self-taught Learning  Data ◦ 20 Newsgroups (Lang, 1995) ◦ Ohscal data set from OHSUMED (Hersh et al. 1994)  Random select two categories as target data. Take the other categories as auxiliary without labeled data.

36 Self-taught result with NB

37 Self-taught result with SVM

38 Self-taught result with TSVM

39  Self-taught result on average Non-TransferEigenTransfer NB0.189±0.0380.107±0.032 SVM0.126±0.0300.070±0.017 TSVM0.106±0.0110.098±0.024

40 Effect of the number of Eigenvectors

41 Labeled Target Data

42  We proposed a general transfer learning framework.  It can model a variety of existing transfer learning problems and solutions.  Our experimental results show that it can greatly outperform non-transfer learners in many experiments.


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