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Name: Penthesileia Painter Pyxis When Made: 460 – 450 BC Size: 17cm including lid Potter: Unknown Painter: The Penthesileia Painter There is a large cup.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Penthesileia Painter Pyxis When Made: 460 – 450 BC Size: 17cm including lid Potter: Unknown Painter: The Penthesileia Painter There is a large cup."— Presentation transcript:


2 Name: Penthesileia Painter Pyxis When Made: 460 – 450 BC Size: 17cm including lid Potter: Unknown Painter: The Penthesileia Painter There is a large cup in Munich showing Achilles killing the Queen Penthesileia at Troy. The painter did not sign his name on vase, so therefore his real name is unknown so they named him Penthesileia painter.

3 -Vase Shape: Pyxis -It is used as a jewellery or cosmetics box. -The vase is perfect for its use ; The base, is divided into three sections. These sections are flared out at the base to give more stability. Pyxis: is a small vase that was usually used to store precious items. These were things such as cosmetics perfumes, jewelry or oils. Had a separate firmly fitting lid. Pyxis often depicted the wedding procession of the owner (young girl) and her husband.

4 -Type of inscription: Kalos It says “the boy is fair” The Kalos inscription was a form of epigraph found on Attic vases and graffiti in antiquity, common between 550 and 450 BC -The inscription has nothing to relate with the scene or the subject of the vase. -The inscription is found on the vase above Paris. -There is also a “kalos” inscription next to Eros on the other side of the vase.

5 The figure on the left is the Spectator Two ways to identify him ∙Maybe Zeus ∙King Priam The seated figure is Paris -Paris is shown as a humble shepherd -the two suggestions for the figure standing on the right is a spectator to fill the space or king Priam; the father of Paris or even Zeus.

6 Aphrodite – “the fairest” is standing on the left Aphrodite stands with her winged son Eros (Cupid). She wears an ionic chiton, and she also wears a veil over her head to show she is married (to Hephaistos). Her head is slightly bent, and she looks down at Eros.

7 -Athena is standing in the centre of the picture We can identify her : *by her helmet and aegis *spear in her hand -Hera is standing on the far right We can identify her : *Hera wears an Ionic Chiton and embroided himation *Hera carries a staff Athena Hera

8 Zeus threw a banquet for the marriage of Achilles parents, on mount Olympus. Eros (cupid) was not invited, and threw a Golden apple into the celebration that said “for the fairest one” on it. Aphrodite, Hera and Athena all claimed the apple They asked Zeus to judge it, but Zeus refused as Hera was his wife The golden apple is referred to as the “Golden apple of discord” Zeus appointed a mortal Paris to make the judgment

9 The Goddesses attempted to bribe Paris. Hera offered to make him King of Europe and Asia. Athena offered wisdom and skill in war. Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta Paris awarded the Golden apple to Aphrodite Helen was already married to Menelaus, So Paris went to Sparta to steal his prize Helen. This is the mythological basis of why the Trojan War Began. Helen’s face was said to be “the face that launched a thousand ships."

10 SIDE A -Paris is depicted as the humble shepherd sitting on the rock -He is naked except for a Chlamys (short cloak) and a Petassos (travelling hat) -Holds a club in his hand -Appears to be in conversation with Messenger of the Gods Hermes(on the left) -Hermes is wearing a Chlamys also -He is carrying his magic staff called the Caducceus, which has a pair of snakes entwined about it

11 The final figure is a bearded man. He is to the right of Paris and to the left of Aphrodite. He is tipping his staff toward Hermes and the 3 Goddesses The Identity of this figure is unknown but it is thought to be Priam, the King of Troy (father of Paris) NOTE: while most of the vase figures are fairly linear, some attempt has been made to make the rock Paris is sitting on look 3 D by varying colours

12 SIDE B -Standing behind Hermes are the 3 Goddesses, waiting to be judged -Hera stands directly behind Hermes wearing an Ionic Chiton (robe) and an embroidered cloak. -Wears a Diadem (crown) on head to show she is Queen of Heaven, carries staff in her hand. Gesture of modesty and also to show she is a married woman- a fold of her cloak is over her hair -On the left is Athena wearing the Aegis (featured in Homer’s Odyssey) Athena carries a spear and helmet to remind the viewer of her status as warrior goddess

13 The painter used two techniques -white ground -Red figure White ground was inspired by the wall painters, who had more freedom to depict the scenes of their choice on a more realistic white background.

14 The areas framing the main frieze are painted in Red- Figure style, showing stylised leaves Colours used are very vivid Paris’ rock is the only part of the vase showing different tones to suggest shading

15 Describe the important characteristics of this painting -A chalky white slip (kaolin) was painted over the leather hard day. This produced an unstable flaky white base which made vases unsuitable for everyday life. -A black relief line of slip was used to outline the figures, and dilute glaze added to detail the picture. This produced earthy tones to the vase. -After firing, a wider range of pigments were used to decorate the vase, including yellow ochre, coral red and grey. These were not glazes and would not survive the firing process if they were added before the firing.

16 What is the important characteristic of this painting technique to do with the use of the colours? - The vase is covered in white clay slip/paint/glaze. Durable colours (earthy browns and orange) have been added before the vase is fired e.g. Paris’ chlamys. Colour has been added to achieve shading. - “Delicate colours added to the firing after firing” its unacceptable because it is not relevant to the vase. - This was similar to what was found on the wall paintings at this time. - Bright colours used on the pyxis were also used for Greek wall paintings e.g. “the Achilles painter”

17 - There is no overlapping -Other means to show depth: An attempt to create a three dimensional picture through shading of the rock. The treatment of drapery gives figures a convincing three dimensional look. -there is a single ground line -no symmetry -grouping of figures: Aphrodite, Eros, Athena and Hera are on one side and Paris, spectator and king Priam are on another. All the ladies and Eros have come before Paris to vie for the title of the most beautiful. Penthesileia Painter has put all the central figures together.

18 Some of the influence for the painting of this vase: -it is likely that the bright colours used on the Pyxis were also used on the Greek wall paintings. -however the rock that Paris sits on uses different tones to attempt to show it is rugged- (Having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface) and three dimensional. This may have appeared on wall paintings.

19 Paris’ left leg turns inward slightly, and is foreshortened. The artist has shown different weights of fabric by differences in the closeness of the vertical lines on the drapery. However, the drapery does not really reveal the form of the body underneath.

20 ANATOMY AND PAINTING STYLE: -The anatomy was not elegant or refined -Subject treated quite simply and humorously. -Paris is presented as a shepherd: his facial expression suggests he is puzzled. -Foreshortening evident in the way Paris’ left leg is turned inward. This isn't in your books but its good to take notes for your exam

21 -Paris’ relaxed pose illustrates how anatomy can convey character and mood. -The three goddesses’ feelings are also depicted through pose e.g. Athena stands tall and defiant. -These figures have turned up noses and delicate nostrils, inclined heads and curly hair as this was trademark of the Penthesileia Painter.


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