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Static Electricity In Our World.

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Presentation on theme: "Static Electricity In Our World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Static Electricity In Our World

2 Every physical thing in our world
is made up of tiny particles called ATOMS.

3 What is an atom?

4 Electrons spin like crazy around the nucleus.

5 - - - - - Usually, atoms are NEUTRAL. They have the same number of
protons (+) and electrons(-). They are balanced. They have no charge, as the protons cancel out the electrons. +++++

6 Sometimes, electrons can transfer to different atoms
When they get disturbed.

7 negatively charged atoms… (more electrons than protons)
This creates negatively charged atoms… (more electrons than protons) 5 electrons 3 protons

8 …or positively charged atoms (more protons than electrons).

9 Imbalanced atoms create

10 Rubbing some things together can create static electricity
Rubbing some things together can create static electricity. Rub a balloon on hair and the hair loses electrons to the balloon which becomes negatively charged… …and the hair becomes imbalanced with too many protons, which makes all the hairs positively charged.

11 Like charges REPEL, so all the positively charged hairs
try to stay away from each other.

12 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

13 - - - - + + + + The negatively charged balloon is looking
for something to balance out its electrons, so it will be ATTRACTED to protons on a wall (or a hand, or a pet)! + - + - + - - +

14 But how are the principles of REPEL and ATTRACT
in static electricity used in the real world?

15 COPIERS The drum inside becomes positively charged
to look like the picture being copied. The toner (ink) is negatively charged and is attracted to the positive charges on the drum. This makes the copy of the picture.

The object to be painted is given a negative charge. The paint is given a positive charge as it comes out the nozzle, which is strongly attracted to the object. Electrostatic painting is smooth, even, and strong.

17 AIR PURIFIERS Air is circulated past a corona
wire - an electrical field. The dust particles become negatively charged. They then flow past a metal screen that is positively charged. The dust is attracted to the screens, and the rest of the (clean) air goes back into the room.

Smoke particles pass by a negatively charged screen in the smokestack, and become negatively charged themselves. They are attracted to positively charged plates further up the smokestacks, removing them from the air.

19 Understanding Science
Helps Us Live More Comfortably In Our World!

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