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Current Status of Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar ( PANSY) Budget finally approved! Current Status of Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Status of Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar ( PANSY) Budget finally approved! Current Status of Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Status of Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar ( PANSY) Budget finally approved! Current Status of Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar ( PANSY) MST: Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere IS: Incoherent Scatter Radar Toward a New Era of Antarctic Atmospheric Research K Sato (U.Tokyo), M Tsutsumi (NIPR), T Sato (Kyoto U.), T. Nakamura (NIPR), A Saito (Kyoto U), Y Tomikawa (NIPR), K Nishimura (NIPR), H Yamagishi, and T. Yamanouchi (NIPR) PANSY is derived from the French word, ’pensee’, meaning ‘thought’

2 Resolutions from international and national scientific organizations IAMASIAGA IUGG ICSU SCAR URSI SCOSTEP G&HG&H WMOIOC-UNESCO SPARC … … … … MST/IS Radar in the Antarctic Lower-thermosphere radar (PANSY pilot system) for IPY2007-2008 Documents published by SCJ, CSTP Top article of the Asahi Shimbun, Nature Thank you!

3 Specifications of PANSY SystemPulse Doppler radar. Active phased array system Center freq.47MHz AntennaA quasi-circular array consisting of 1045 crossed Yagi antennas. Diameter about 160m Transmitter1045 solid-state TR modules Peak Power : 500kW Receiver55 channel digital receiving systems - Height coverage : 1-500km - Three dimensional winds and plasma parameters - Fine time and height resolutions

4 PSC Aurora PMC

5 Capability of direct measurements of momentum fluxes and vertical winds as well as horizontal winds. Time resolution = 1 min Vertical resolution = 75m

6 U: Contour E-P Flux: Vector Wave force:Color A study using high-resolution GCM simulation K.Sato, S. Watanabe, Y. Kawatani, Y. Tomikawa, K. Miyazaki, and M. Takahashi Watanabe et al. (2008, JGR) n>42

7 Katabatic winds: The role on the circulation in the Southern Hemisphere Boundary layer: Turbulence structure, Exchange with free atmosphere Circulation in the troposphere: Meridional circulation, Water circulation Polar lows: 3-dimensional structure and dynamics Severe snow storms: Generation mechanisms and 3-dimensional structure Blockings: Exchange with the middle atmosphere, wave generation Tropospheric-stratospheric exchange: Tropopause structure, turbulence, dominant disturbances, ageostophic circulation Ozone hole: Dynamics and chemistry of ozone layer recovery Polar stratospheric clouds: Physics of generation and dissipation. Their radiative, chemical, and dynamical roles Trapped waves on the polar vortex: Roles on the exchange between the regions inside and outside of the polar vortex Polar night jet: Small-scale structures and secondary circulation Sudden warming: Dynamics. Transport and mixing Gravity waves: Dynamical characteristics, generation mechanism, vertical and seasonal variation, momentum fluxes, wave forces, horizontal propagation Exchange between the mesosphere and thermosphere: Mesopause structure, dominant disturbances, ageostrophic circulation Polar mesospheric clouds (Noctilucent clouds): Monitoring of climate effects by human activity, physics of generation and dissipation, roles on radiation Barotropic and baroclinic instability: Interaction with gravity waves Polar mesospheric summer echoes/polar mesospheric winter echoes: Mechanisms and relation with the polar meososheric clouds. Auroras: 3-dimensional structure Ionospheric disturbances: Comparison between the Arctic and Antarctic atmospheres Coherent scattering in the ionosphere: Mechanism, structure, time variation Irregularity in the ionospheric E region: Structure, seasonal variation etc. Solar proton events: Effects on the neutral atmosphere Diurnal, seasonal, inter-annual variations, solar cycle (11 years), and trends: Mechanism and effects by GHGs. Turbulence: 4 dimensional imaging observation Science of PANSY

8 MST/IS radar network Equatorial Atmosphere Radar MU Radar PANSY RADAR EISCAT (IS only) Radar IS only ) AMISR (400MHz)

9 The MU Radar (Kyoto University) ( Shigaraki, Shiga, Japan ) Power consuming! (230kW) Heavy! (>50kg) <18kg

10 -Start of the PANSY project 2000 - Field Survey (2002~) -Development of power efficient class-E transmitters (2003~) Twice as power-efficient as conventional class-AB transmitters. Estimated total power consumption ~75kW -Optimization of Yagi antennas (2003~) Light-weight. Easy to set up and robust Feasibility Study 12.6kg

11 PANSY radar site SuperDARN radar MF radar Syowa st. main site Diameter 160m

12 Existing Facilities at Syowa Comprehensive study combined with PANSY MF radar HF radar FPI All-Sky Imager ( Lidar ) Micro-pulse Lidar Various balloon measurements

13 Movements to realize the PANSY project Organization –MOU of collaboration between U Tokyo (PI: K.Sato) ← → NIPR (PI: Yamanouchi) –PANSY community (regular annual scientific meeting) Position on JARE future plan –Proposal as a principal observation in the VIII JARE observation plan (6 yrs starting at JARE52) was accepted in December, 2008. –1 st proposal for the budget of FY2010 was planned. Discussion in Japanese scientific societies –Special session at MSJ meeting in spring of 2008 –Special session at SGEPSS meeting in autumn of 2008 –Special session at JpGU general assembly in spring of 2010

14 Installation and observation plans (1/3) FY2009 (JARE51) 1 SP Japan: Radar construction was funded by the economic stimulus package by Japanese government in April, 2009, reexamined and approved by new government in October 19, 2009. The final designs of TR modules and antennas were determined. Production of 1045 sets were started. Syowa Station Summer party Topographical survey of the antenna field.

15 Installation and observation plans (2/3) FY2010 (JARE52) 5 SP+2 WP Japan: Production of 1045 sets of modules and antennas will be finished before September, 2010. The whole system will be sent to Syowa Station. Syowa Station Summer Party Construction of the radar observation hut, and installation of two generators. Antennas and modules are constructed. The 1 st data will be obtained with a limited system. Winter Party Adjustment of the basic observation modes (i.e. the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and ionosphere modes with a single receiving channel).

16 Installation and observation plans (3/3) FY2011 (JARE53) 5 SP and 2WP Syowa Station Summer Party The construction of full system including 55 receiving channels will be finished. Winter Party Adjustment of multi-channel receiving system for imaging and interferometric observations FY2012 (JARE54) 4 SP and 2WP Syowa Station Summer Party The construction of FAI (field aligned irregularity) observation system and its adjustment. Winter Party Regular observation over 12 years will be started in early 2013.

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