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Evaluation of NRNs 2014-2020 Andreas Resch, Evaluation Advisor.

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1 Evaluation of NRNs 2014-2020 Andreas Resch, Evaluation Advisor

2 Experiences 2007-2013 Already in the 07-13 programming period NRNs were subject to evaluation (ex ante, ongoing, mid-term and ex-post evaluation) Evaluations were either conducted as stand-alone evaluations or as part of the RDP evaluation Most evaluators relied on the use of output indicators (e.g. number of events organised) Some evaluations also assessed the contribution of the NRN to RDP objectives and the results of the network and the added value of NRN activities NRN self-assessment was conducted by several NRN “pioneers” with many challenges Evaluation of NRN had to face many methodological challenges which were caused by the specific character of NRN interventions 2

3 More guidance 2014-2020 In the 14-20 period the new legal framework and the common monitoring and evaluation system (CMES) provide more guidance for constructing the NRN intervention logic and the NRN monitoring and evaluation system Common NRN objectives, the common groups of activities, the common evaluation question and three common output indicators Member States are expected to further complete the NRN intervention logic with programme-specific objectives and groups of activities. Member States also need to develop NRN specific expected results and impacts, set up programme-specific evaluation questions for NRNs and develop the respective result and impact indicators to measure NRN achievements 2

4 NRN objectives (with different scope) Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, Art 54(2): Increase the involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of rural development; Improve the quality of implementation of Rural Development Programmes; Inform the broader public and potential beneficiaries on rural development policy and funding opportunities; Foster innovation in agriculture, food production, forestry and rural areas. 4

5 Common Evaluation Question The AIRs submitted by 30 June in 2017 and 2019 must contain the information on the RDP progress and quantification of achievements towards programme objectives. In relation to NRN evaluation, the common evaluation question has to be answered : „To what extent has the national rural network contributed to achieving the objectives laid down in Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, Art. 54 (2)?” utilising the common output indicators and additional information developed by Member States 5

6 NRN activities (minimum set) Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, Art 54(3): collection of examples of projects covering all priorities of the Rural Development Programmes facilitation of thematic and analytical exchanges between rural development stakeholders provision of training and networking for local action groups provision of networking for advisors and innovation support services; sharing and dissemination of monitoring and evaluation findings; a communication plan participation in and contribution to the European Network For Rural Development. 6

7 Common output indicators (minimum set) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2014 Number of thematic and analytical exchanges set up with the support of NRN; Number of NRN communication tools; Number of ENRD activities in which the NRN has participated. 7

8 Connecting objectives, activities & outcomes 8

9 Construct a NRN specific causal pathway for a change process Key question What kind of (non-financial) barrieres have to be removed and what pre-conditions have to be created step by step (e.g. access to knowledge and relevant cooperation partners) to achieve the expected outcomes (NRN and RD objectives)? How to define? Specific Output indicators related to NRN activites Result indicators related to specific NRN objectives? (e.g. results for specific target groups) Impact indicators related to the overall NRN and RD objectives 9

10 Short exercise 10

11 Thank you for your attention! European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development Boulevard Saint Michel 77-79 B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32 2 7375130 E-mail 11

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