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Tuesday. Calescite! Decline “therma, thermae” f. bath (Write that  and the DECLENSION NUMBER at the top of your page.) What else should you create? Hint:

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday. Calescite! Decline “therma, thermae” f. bath (Write that  and the DECLENSION NUMBER at the top of your page.) What else should you create? Hint:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday

2 Calescite! Decline “therma, thermae” f. bath (Write that  and the DECLENSION NUMBER at the top of your page.) What else should you create? Hint: Magistra Flynn hearts _______!!!

3 1 st DeclensionSingularPlural Nominativethermathermae Genitivethermaethermārum Dativethermaethermīs Accusativethermamthermās Ablativethermāthermīs Which TWO cases have we learned so far? Put a star by each one.

4 Reminder: Late Work Policy Reb Recovery Dry Erase Board notice – Within one week : 70 – After one week: 50 Testing : Absent/Retakes

5 Stage 9 Model Sentences pg. 142 Practice reading Latin aloud Translate into English

6 Dative Case (from “do, dare, dedī” = “I give, to give, I gave”) translated as TO / FOR INDIRECT OBJECT – receives the DIRECT OBJECT Example: – I gave a gift to the slave. – donum servō dedī. Create your own example in Anglice:

7 Dative Case pg. 148 has even more examples – check out Part A Take TWO minutes to look over these before I call on you to read them for the class – in utrumque linguae Latina et Anglice Now take THREE minutes to translate the ODD numbers only, Part D, pg. 149

8 “thermae” As I read aloud, look at the words. Which ones do you recognize? Now study the new vocab in the list below the story. Write two sentences describing what you think the story will be about. Begin translating, from lines 1 – 8. If you finish early, HELP a neighbor. – DON’T complete the story!

9 Wednesday

10 Calescite! Decline fīlius, fīliī, m. (son) ?????? Decl.S.Pl. Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

11 2 nd Decl.S.Pl. Nom. fīliusfīliī Gen. fīliīfīliōrum Dat. fīliōfīliīs Acc. fīliumfīliōs Abl. fīliōfīliīs Which form would you use to say: The son praised his father. The father showed the painting to his son. WHY?

12 Dative Case (from “do, dare, dedī” = “I give, to give, I gave”) translated as TO / FOR INDIRECT OBJECT : receives DIRECT OBJECT Example – I gave a gift to the slave. – donum servō dedī. Create your own example in Anglice:

13 Dative Case pg. 148 has even more examples – check out Part A Take TWO minutes to look over these before I call on you to read them for the class – in utrumque linguae Latina et Anglice Now take THREE minutes to translate the ODD numbers only, Part D, pg. 149

14 “thermae” As I read aloud, look at the words. Which ones do you recognize? Now study the new vocab. Write two sentences describing what you think the story will be about. Begin translating, from lines 1 – 8. If you finish early, HELP a neighbor. – DON’T complete the story!

15 Thursday

16 Calescite! Decline cīvis, cīvis m. (citizen) ????????????SingularPlural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

17 3 rd DeclensionSingularPlural Nominativecīviscīvēs Genitivecīviscīvium Dativecīvīcīvibus Accusativecīvemcīvēs Ablativecīvecīvibus

18 “thermae” Continue translating, from lines 1 – 8. If you finish early, HELP a neighbor. – 20 minutes CHECK translation Finish translating, from line 9 – end for praescriptum domesticum

19 Friday

20 Calescite! Translate into Latin: The boy is working. The citizen is carrying the toga. The baby was crying.

21 Calescite! Translate into Latin: The boy is working. puer laborat. The citizen is carrying the toga for a friend. civis amicō togam portat. The baby was crying. infans lacrimabat.

22 “thermae” Need colored pen/cil Write at the bottom: – COMPLETE – STOPPED AT LINE # ____ – DON’T HAVE BECAUSE ____________ Make corrections as we translate together

23 “in palaestrā” pg. 146 Groups of 3 – 4; EVERYONE TRANSLATES, & decide whose job it is to – read the Latin – read English translation – read questions – read the answers to questions Group 1 : 1 – 9 Group 2 : 10 – 16 Group 3 : 17 – 23 Group 4 : 24 – 32 STOP TIME: ____________

24 “in palaestrā” pg. 146 Each person is responsible for listening to presenters AND answering questions on their OWN sheet of paper

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