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Student Self-Advocacy. Training Students Students need to be introduced to the tools of advocating for their own differentiation. In the beginning of.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Self-Advocacy. Training Students Students need to be introduced to the tools of advocating for their own differentiation. In the beginning of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Self-Advocacy

2 Training Students Students need to be introduced to the tools of advocating for their own differentiation. In the beginning of the year alternate projects are more teacher-generated. As the year progresses students propose their own projects and rubrics.

3 Six Profiles The Successful The Underground The Non-Conformist The Drop Out The Autonomous Learner The Double-Labeled

4 Tool Kit Students need to know how to use: –Webquest Menus –Rubric generating software –Bibliography-generating websites –Proposal Forms –Project Logs –Web page creation software –The library I include a “Library Consult” component with independent research. A library staff member has to sign off that the student consulted with them about their topic and has utilized our library’s resources well.

5 Standards? Students who are eligible for alternate projects have already satisfied state grade-level standards. Daily practice is not generally used to assess standards, therefore, GT students are not skipping anything if they can demonstrate their knowledge on a pretest, posttest or with their alternate project. Older students can identify how their alternate project addresses state standards. –Teacher may paraphrase content standards to help students identify appropriate standards. Webgrader has features that allow standards to be attached to alternate projects.

6 Moodle Online courses can be created by using Moodle software. Students can learn at their own pace. GT students can communicate with each other and the teacher in a convenient way.

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