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Chapter 21 Genomes and Their Evolution. Genomics ______________ is a new approach to biology concerned with the study of the ___________ set of __________.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21 Genomes and Their Evolution. Genomics ______________ is a new approach to biology concerned with the study of the ___________ set of __________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21 Genomes and Their Evolution

2 Genomics ______________ is a new approach to biology concerned with the study of the ___________ set of __________ in an organism. – Some organisms whose _________ have been completely sequenced include: E. coli(bacteria), D. melanogaster (fly), and M. musculus (field mouse)

3 – The Human __________ Project was an international collaboration amongst scientists to _________ the human __________. It was completed in 2003 and published by 2006.

4 Bioinformatics _____________ is the field of biology that is concerned with ___________ and __________ the vast amounts of biological data gleaned from ___________. Computers are a valuable tool.

5 Why Conduct Genomic Studies? 1. The info we have gained gives us valuable insights into the fundamental questions about genome organization, ___________ of gene expression, growth and _____________, and _______________. 2.The info is also providing us with information into the causes of _________ and possible _________ options.

6 Proteomics The successes in the field of genomics has encouraged scientists to study sets of __________ encoded by the genes. This study is called __________.

7 Functional ____________ holds significant promise for the discovery of disease markers, for the detection of new _________, and as a powerful tool to further our understanding of basic biological processes and mechanisms.

8 The Human Genome ________ codes for proteins or is ____________ into rRNA or tRNA. ____ codes for gene ____________ sequences and introns. The remaining ________ includes ____________ (former genes that have accumulated so many mutations that they are now nonfunctional) and ___________ DNA.

9 Much of the ________ DNA contains ___________ elements. These are regions that can move or jump from one chromosome to another. Barbara __________ pioneered the study of “_________ genes.” The red streaks represent transposons or “jumping genes” The lack of color on the body of these Bettas is due to “jumping genes”

10 Genomics and Evolution By comparing genomes of related species, scientists are discovering important clues to our ________________ past. The field of biology concerned with the study of evolutionary development is called ________. _________ or HOX genes control development and these genes are extremely conserved-so much so that there is virtually no difference between fruit flies and ___________ in one long stretch of the ______________. “little people with wings”

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