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Age of Exploration European Explorers. Prince Henry the Navigator  Home: Portugal  Sailed for: Portugal  Years: Starting in 1419  In search of: 

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Exploration European Explorers. Prince Henry the Navigator  Home: Portugal  Sailed for: Portugal  Years: Starting in 1419  In search of: "— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Exploration European Explorers

2 Prince Henry the Navigator  Home: Portugal  Sailed for: Portugal  Years: Starting in 1419  In search of:  Sailing into the Atlantic  Spreading Christianity  Take of Muslim domination of trade  Arrived: Down the coast of West Africa

3 Prince Henry the Navigator

4 Bartolomeu Dias  Home: Portugal  Sailed for: Portugal  Years: 1487  Searching for:  a route around Africa’s southern tip into the Indian Ocean  Used the counterclockwise winds of the South Atlantic to get around southern Africa

5 Bartolomeu Dias

6 Vasco da Gama  Home: Portugal  Sailed for: Portugal  Years: 1498  Searching for: India and trade  Arrived: India  Found: discovered India and opened a profitable trade

7 Vasco da Gama

8 Christopher Columbus  Home: Italy  Sailed for: Spain  Years: 1492  Searching for: a route to China as means of reviving the Christian struggle against Islam  Arrived: in current day Bahamas (then Haiti and DR)  Found: NOT AMERICA!!  He opened up the door of exploration

9 Christopher Columbus

10 John Cabot  Home: Genoa, Italy  Sailed for: English  Years: 1497  Searching for: to discover the other continents  Arrived: in Newfoundland

11 John Cabot

12 Pedro Alvarez Cabral  Home: Portugal  Sailed for: Portugal  Years: 1500  Searching for: new continents  Arrived: discovered the coast of Brazil

13 Pedro Alvarez Cabral

14 Amerigo Vespucci  Home: Genoa, Italy  Sailed for: Italy  Years: 1501  Searching for: new continents  Arrived: explored enough of South America’s coast to deem it a new continent  Mapmakers began to call the continents by a variation of his first name----America

15 Amerigo Vespucci

16 Ferdinand Magellan  Home:  Sailed for:  Years: 1519-1522  Searching for: new land and continents  Succeeded in encircling the entire globe  This voyage created a much more detailed picture of the Earth

17 Ferdinand Magellan

18 Hernan Cortez  Born in Spain but left in 1504 for Cuba  Became rich by acquiring plantations and gold mines  He wanted more so he went inland and met the Aztec Empire  The Spanish were invited into the city, then the Spanish decided to conquer. They seized and killed Montezuma and took over but there was nothing left

19 Hernan Cortez

20 The End  And we lived happily every after. Not.

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