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Summary of Objective 3: “Generation ITER” Presented by Sándor Zoletnik On behalf of STAC group S. Zoletnik, P. Lalousis, F. Zonca.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Objective 3: “Generation ITER” Presented by Sándor Zoletnik On behalf of STAC group S. Zoletnik, P. Lalousis, F. Zonca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Objective 3: “Generation ITER” Presented by Sándor Zoletnik On behalf of STAC group S. Zoletnik, P. Lalousis, F. Zonca

2 Aim of objective 3: Provide manpower for operation of ITER and satellites. Categories and total responses: ITER operators (256) ITER analyst (395) Three categories were named for training: Ph.D. students (1211) Masters (1449) Engineers (79) Global overview S. Zoletnik Page 2. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

3 Distribution by Association for „Operators” Clear inconsistency in the tables for interpretation of „Operator” Template suggested: high-level operators (JET session leaders, diagnostic coordinators) Possible alternative understanding: People who have appropriate knowledge and experience to operate a fusion device or a subsystem (heating, fueling, diagnostics, CODAC, TBM, …) Who is an „Operator”? TOTAL: 256 S. Zoletnik Page 3. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

4 Distribution by Association for „Analyst” Usually one number is presented which is a mixture of experimentalists and physicists  Would need to have more categories: theorists, code developers/operators, experimentalists (diagnostician) Analyst TOTAL: 395 S. Zoletnik Page 4. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

5 Two ITER operator categories: High level: session leaders + diagnostic coordinators (presently on JET: 30-30 + trainees) ITER  60/2 = 30 EU Staff Low level: heating, fueling, diagnostic, TBM, … ITER is expected to have 200 scientist and engineer operators on its own (DDR) The basic technology might absorb these: magnets, vacuum, CODAC, energy, fueling, heating (0 EU) Who operates/analyses the diagnostic systems? (40x4: 160 people  80 EU) High and low level for other experiments: Operation of other experiments (3 large + 5 smaller devices: 3x80 + 5x40 = 440 EU) Participation in non-EU experiments: JT-60SA, KSTAR, …: 30 EU Total: 580 EU exp. analysts + operators (2/3 for domestic experiments) Total proposed Operators+Analysts: 651 Even if 100 is theorist just the newly trained staff would be enough How many operators and exp. analysts are needed? S. Zoletnik Page 5. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

6 Distribution by Association for „Ph.D. student” Considerable differences between Associations Needed new research staff: 2000 researchers/40 years active working time  50 retirements/year  500 need to be replaced in 10 years Global number is enough but unclear how many stay in fusion Ph.D. students TOTAL: 1211 S. Zoletnik Page 6. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

7 Distribution by Association for „Masters + Engineers” Number of trainee engineers is unclear As ITER construction will run up to 2025 considerable engineering resources will be needed. Masters+Engineers TOTAL: 1528 Only a few answers separated masters and engineers: handling them together S. Zoletnik Page 7. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

8 Training courses, schools Some Associations indicated training courses. A quick assessment of the places gives ~200/year  can provide summer training for all students. Europe-wide organisations exist for fusion training: FUSENET, Erasmus Mundus  Important especially for smaller countries S. Zoletnik Page 8. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

9 The role of New Member States Associations from New Member States (25% of EU population) proposed 6-8% of Operator and Analyst trainees (90% is from Czech and Hungary). Several Associations did not respond or proposed very little For Ph.D. and Master students the situation is more balanced among the NMSs but the % in the EU programme is similar. Western labs are successful to attract eastern students  there are young people available Would need to set-up some parenting scheme for groups in NMSs S. Zoletnik Page 9. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

10 Summary The global numbers are in the right range Training possibilities for engineers is unclear (GOT is very helpful) Do we have the engineers for ITER construction? Operator-analyst categorization is unclear, a better list of categories might be: high-level operator exp. analyst/operator theorist code developer code operator New Member States offer considerable manpower resource, it must be used in an organized way A good set of experiments must be present in the EU to provide trained staff The EU must make use of joint experiments with ITER partners: this also needs some staff S. Zoletnik Page 10. Associations meeting Garching, 13-14 April, 2011

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