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1 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Future Circular Collider (FCC) study H2020 DS proposal PRELIMINARY Michael Benedikt.

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Presentation on theme: "1 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Future Circular Collider (FCC) study H2020 DS proposal PRELIMINARY Michael Benedikt."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Future Circular Collider (FCC) study H2020 DS proposal PRELIMINARY Michael Benedikt ESGARD 24. March 2014

2 2 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Introduction to FCC H2020 FCC DS proposal general aspects WP description Contents

3 3 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESAGRD Meeting 24 March 2014 today ESU 2013 : “CERN should undertake design studies for accelerator projects in a global context, with emphasis on proton-proton and electron- positron high-energy frontier machines.” Project FCC Study : p-p towards 100 TeV Kick-off meeting: 12-15 Feb. 2014 CDR and Cost Review 2018

4 4 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESAGRD Meeting 24 March 2014 Future Circular Collider Study - SCOPE CDR and cost review for the next ESU (2018) Forming an international collaboration to study: pp-collider (FCC-hh)  defining infrastructure requirements e + e - collider (FCC-ee) as potential intermediate step p-e (FCC-he) option 80-100 km infrastructure in Geneva area ~16 T  100 TeV pp in 100 km ~20 T  100 TeV pp in 80 km

5 5 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESAGRD Meeting 24 March 2014 ≈330 participants

6 6 Future Circular Collider Study FCC Kick-Off 2014 Push the energy frontier beyond LHC High Priority item within the European Strategy for Particle Physics Timely lead times for R&D very long LHC physics program for ~20 years Need for a project plan when LHC results indicate direction to go Why Rolf Heuer – kick-off meeting

7 7 Future Circular Collider Study FCC Kick-Off 2014 Technical/Conceptual Design Reports for linear e + e - Colliders exist: ILC/CLIC Japan interested in housing ILC Europe and CERN: participation in both endeavours will be continued Need to go beyond present energy frontier  circular high energy collider What Rolf Heuer – kick-off meeting

8 8 Future Circular Collider Study FCC Kick-Off 2014 Exploitation of all options for such a project (hh – ee – ep) within one study Global Collaboration for the Study of Future Circular Colliders (similar to the CLIC collaboration) Hosted by CERN How Rolf Heuer – kick-off meeting

9 9 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESAGRD Meeting 24 March 2014 High-energy hadron collider FCC-hh as long-term goal Seems only approach to get to 100 TeV range in the coming decades High energy and luminosity at affordable power consumption Lead time design & construction > 20 years (LHC study started 1983!)  Must start studying now to be ready for 2035/2040 FCC motivation: pushing energy frontier Lepton collider FCC-ee as potential intermediate step Would provide/share part of infrastructure Important precision measurements indicating the energy scale at which new physics is expected Search for new physics in rare decays of Z, W, H, t and rare processes Lepton-hadron collider FCC-he as option High precision deep inelastic scattering and Higgs physics Most aspects of collider designs and R&D non-site specific. Tunnel and site study in Geneva area as ESU requests.

10 10 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESAGRD Meeting 24 March 2014 Proposal for FCC Study Time Line 20142015201620172018 Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Kick-off, collaboration forming,  study plan and organisation Release CDR & Workshop on next steps Workshop & Review  contents of CDR Workshop & Review  identification of baseline Ph 2: Conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” Workshop & Review, cost model, LHC results  study re-scoping? Ph 3: Study consolidation Report Prepare 4 large FCC Workshops distributed over participating regions Ph 1: Explore options “weak interaction”

11 11 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 FCC-hh parameters – starting point Energy 100 TeV c.m. Dipole field ~ 16 T (Nb 3 Sn), [20 T option HTS] Circumference ~ 100 km #IPs2 main (tune shift) + 2 Luminosity/IP main 5x10 34 cm -2 s -1 Stored beam energy8.2 GJ/beam Synchrotron radiation 26 W/m/aperture (filling fact. ~78% in arc) Long. emit damping time0.5 h Bunch spacing 25 ns [5 ns option] Bunch population (25 ns)1x10 11 p Transverse emittance 2.2 micron normalized #bunches10500 Beam-beam tune shift0.01 (total)  * 1.1 m (HL-LHC: 0.15 m) already available from SPS for 25 ns

12 12 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 FCC-ee parameters – starting point Design choice: max. synchrotron radiation power set to 50 MW/beam Defines the maximum beam current at each energy 4 physics operation points (energies) foreseen Z, WW, H, ttbar Optimization at each operation point, mainly via bunch number and arc cell length ParameterZWWHttbarLEP2 E/beam (GeV)4580120175105 L (10 34 cm -2 s -1 )/IP 0.012 Bunches/beam 167004490133098 4 I (mA) 1450152306.6 3 Bunch popul. [10 11 ] 4.2 Cell length [m] 30010050 79 Tune shift / IP 0.07

13 13 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 FCC-he parameters – starting point Design choice: beam parameters as available from hh and ee Max. e ± beam current at each energy determined by 50 MW SR limit. 1 physics interaction point, optimization at each energy collider parameterse ± scenariosprotons speciese ± (polarized)e±e± e±e± p beam energy [GeV]8012017550000 luminosity [10 34 cm -2 s -1 ] bunch intensity [10 11 ]0.70.461.41.0 #bunches per beam449013609810600 beam current [mA]152306.6500  x,y * [micron] 4.5, 2.3

14 14 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Scope H2020 FCC proposal Main aim of the FCC study is to provide a complete conceptual design report (CDR) by 2018, as input for the next European Strategy Update. The H2020 Design Study proposal will comprise a subset of FCC work packages which require international collaboration and the technical expertise from several partner institutes, and which have potentials for innovation and scientific impact. The H2020 FCC DS will address key questions concerning the technical and financial feasibility. In the frame of the H2020 FCC DS various design alternatives will be analysed, with regard to both accelerator configuration and the underlying technologies, in terms of relative merits and relative cost. H2020 FCC DS assumed to start Q1/15 and run for 4 years until Q4/18.

15 15 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Main activities The H2020 FCC DS activities will include parameter optimization, optics design and beam dynamics studies, for all collider scenarios considered; civil engineering and technical infrastructure concepts; development of technologies such as high-field magnets, SRF systems, highly efficient RF power sources, as well as other specific technologies, including some prototyping. Implementation concepts for industrial production will also be studied. The H2020 FCC Design Study will provide essential input for the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, enabling Europe to define its future roadmap and to strengthen its world-leading position in high-energy physics. The H2020 FCC DS will also study options for the governance structure of the future global project, along with staging and implementation scenarios.

16 16 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Impact H2020 FCC proposal Responding to the request formulated by the 2013 European Strategy Update, the FCC and H2020 FCC design studies will deliver a CDR, including cost model and performance estimates, for future energy- frontier circular collider options. This CDR will provide a sound decision basis for establishing the long-range plan and future roadmap in high- energy physics. The work carried out within the H2020 FCC DS will further strengthen Europe’s leadership position, attracting scientific and technical contributions by scientists from all over the world. Through collaboration with industrial partners in the areas of key- enabling technologies, the development of innovative solutions by European industries is expected. Such solutions will be essential for achieving the optimum scientific performance.

17 17 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 FCC Work Breakdown Structure

18 18 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 FCC Horizon 2020 Topics

19 19 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 FCC H2020 Work Packages Hadron Collider Collider design Lepton Collider Technology R & D Infrastructure & Operation Management Lattice & Single Particle Dynamics IR & Final focus Collimation concept Beam current limitations Beam-beam effects Machine protection Radiation effects IR for e-p IR and Final focus Beam dynamics & collective effects Polarization and energy calibration SC RF cavity design RF power generation Cryo plants Cryogen mixtures Nb3Sn R&D 16 T short model 16 T magnet design Geodetic networks & alignment Reliability studies Tunnelling techniques Environmental impact Energy Management for Accelerators Scope/Schedule/Cost QA Coordination Governance structures Realization aspects Knowledge & Innovation Training & Outreach Collider design

20 20 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 WP: Hadron Collider Collider design Lattice & Single Particle Dynamics Interaction region & final focus design Collimation concept Beam current limitations Beam-beam effects Machine protection Radiation effects Interaction region for e-p collisions Baseline layoutBaseline parameters Lattice design, specifications for beamline elements Alignment and aperture constraints IR conceptual design Functions and performances of beeline elements Identify need and define further R&D Collimation concept and beam optics Performances of beamline elements Identify need and define further R&D Evaluate & optimize beam stability Collider and booster collective effects Evaluate & optimize stability in collisions Identify failure modes of elements Requirements on technical systems Develop protection concepts Re-configurable protection systems Radiation induced beam loss, burn-off & synchrotron radiation Dose rate map Impacts on key components Radiation robust designs IR and final focus beam optics Beam separation- recombination sections Synchrotron radiation effects

21 21 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 WP: Lepton Collider Interaction region & final focus design Beam dynamics & collective effects Polarization and energy calibration Crab waist IR optics Optimum local & global chromaticity correction schemes Beam-beam & beamstrahlung tacking Stability & power loss of short bunches Sokolov-Ternov polarization Beam polarization ring (45 GeV) Collider design Baseline layoutBaseline parameters

22 22 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 WP: Technology R & D Cryogenics Superconducting RF High efficiency RF power generation High capacity Helium cryo-plants Non-conventional cryogen mixtures Nb 3 Sn Material 16 T short model 16 T magnet design Sputtering techniques, cure Q-disease Cryo module + ancilliary systems Multi-beam klystron demonstrator Klystron optimum efficiency working point Capacities 50-100 kW at 4.5 K Alternative cryogens (Neon-Helium) Cycles and machinery for cooling to 40 K Improve density & quality of strands Quality goals and production techniques 16 T short model design Accelerator magnet design Magnet / collider integration study Capacities 5 - 10 kW at 1.8 K Cost reduction Support technologies Superconducting RF Cavity and Power Sources Superconducting 16 T Magnet

23 23 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 WP: Infrastructure & Operation Tunneling techniques Geodetic networks and alignment Dependability studies Energy management for accelerators Key environmental impacts FCC scenario collaboration: NeTTUN Understand speeds, cost & reliability of emerging TBMs Cross nation topographic & geodetic networks Precision underground alignment methods Methods and tools for availability & reliability analysis Analysis of existing systems, scaling to FCC Design recommendations Quantification of energy consumption Energy saving options Resource efficient operation and maintenance Hazard registry Conventional key impacts Training of equipment experts Radiological key impacts

24 24 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 WP: Management & Implementation Scope, schedule, cost Quality Management Coordination Knowledge and Innovation Training and Outreach Governance structures Realization aspects Study project planTracking and followup Quality system for study lifecycle and documentation Tools and training Work package coordination WP progress monitoring and documentation Deliverable reports Identification and establishment of industry partnerships Clarification of Intellectual Property ownership & transfer Planning of technology exploitation Managerial and technical training for participants Material for higher- education institutes Project management structures Cost modelCost estimates Auditing and corrective measures Verification of deliverable compliance Report verification Preparation of long- term industrialization Press and popular science material Platform with international and corporate press Implementation concepts Global organisation models

25 25 H2020 FCC DS proposal Michael Benedikt ESGARD Meeting 24 March 2014 Potential Partners Research Higher Education Industry CEA, CNRS, ESRF, INFN, CIEMAT, DESY, CSIC, JAI, AIT, ESS, ESA, ESO, GSI, PSI, NCBJ Swierk, TU-Dresden, Uni Geneva, Uni Twente, Cockcroft/STFC, Uni Manchester, Uni Liverpool, EPFL, RHUL, Oxford, TU Darmstadt, SUPAERO, Uni Lancaster, WUT, FH Wiener Neustadt, ETHZ National Instruments, Linde, Air Liquide, WEKA NeTTUN, Luvata, Amberg, EDF Associated FNAL, BNL, LBNL, Florida State, KEK, Hitachi, Toshiba, BINP, WEKA, WST, Bruker, Bochvar, JLAB, LNF, SLAC, IHEP, ORNL, ANL, Uni Cornell, HFML, RRCAT Indore, IUAC, Campinas

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