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Presented by Pranav sharma From class 12 th science Bal Niketan Sr. S.S. Gandhi Seva Sadan (Kankroli)rajsamand Resolution: 1360*760.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Pranav sharma From class 12 th science Bal Niketan Sr. S.S. Gandhi Seva Sadan (Kankroli)rajsamand Resolution: 1360*760."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Pranav sharma From class 12 th science Bal Niketan Sr. S.S. Gandhi Seva Sadan (Kankroli)rajsamand Resolution: 1360*760


3 In most of the colleges many post have been fallen Weekend that’s why student are unable to get the proper facilities in their favorite subjects. Hello!!! students

4 Nowadays many universities only providing degrees to the students. They are not able to provide or prepare the best specialist I’m specialist of ?

5 There is no compulsory attendant in the colleges so the student become indiscipline and they don’t take their classes regularly. So professor are also uninterested. Hash!! Raju

6 Irregularity of professor in classes You are late sir!!!! I’m on my time ma’am. It’s 12’o clock Many professor are seen in the colleges who never take their classes regularly, so the student become disappointed and often wander here and there and waste there time.

7 Oh! Mistake No problem!

8 Most often we see politics become a nuisance in campus. Everyone knows it. Let us not ruin the education system with politics. Hi students !!!! -for vote

9 This is the measure problem election should be band they create unhealthy atmosphere in the university and the colleges. Some time mostly syllabus is not completed within time due to election in colleges. Yeah!! No homework No study Only elections

10 Why?

11 If god allowed everywhere on earth, then what makes university, colleges different? We want to encourage ourselves and be able to push ourselves forward through the day with a little prayer. I believe I should be allowed.


13 India’s best universities Nalanda universityTaxila university Why these universities were/are called the best?

14 We can learn from our imagination, thought, creativity, practicing, practical not from only books. Therefore higher education should to develop them in the students for their success.


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