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Animism by Anthony Casey. Historic Development First spoken of in 1873 in Religion in Primitive Culture by Edward B. Taylor. – “The doctrine of Spiritual.

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Presentation on theme: "Animism by Anthony Casey. Historic Development First spoken of in 1873 in Religion in Primitive Culture by Edward B. Taylor. – “The doctrine of Spiritual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animism by Anthony Casey

2 Historic Development First spoken of in 1873 in Religion in Primitive Culture by Edward B. Taylor. – “The doctrine of Spiritual Beings” – From Latin ‘anima’ meaning breath or soul. Evolutionary influence Study animistic cultures, get a picture of a “pure” culture and religion. Most primitive, what major world religions evolved from. More study revealed the complexity of animism. Spiritual beings > impersonal beings > personal and known beings (departed ancestors influencing the living). Early terms: primitive, savage, pagan, heathen beliefs Currently referred to as animism, folk, or tribal religion.

3 Van Rheenen’s Definition Animism = the belief that personal spiritual beings and impersonal spiritual forces have power over human affairs and, consequently, that human beings must discover what beings and forces are influencing them in order to determine future action and, frequently, to manipulate their power.

4 Van Rheenen’s Definition Personal spiritual beings and impersonal forces These forces have power over human affairs Humans must discover which beings and forces influence them and then how to manipulate their power Animism is power and fear driven

5 Animistic Worldview Remote High God Living Dead Spirits (Personalized Dead) (Impersonalized Dead) Created Spirits Intermediaries Realm of humanity and things The spirit world’s powers intervene in humanity’s normal experiences. People must appease these forces to sustain life. Keith Eitel, Missiology

6 Animistic Worldview High Cosmic god – Created life and the world – Impersonal and distant, rarely directly worshipped – Act of ancestral folly caused a separation between the creator god and humans – The earth is left to be governed by lesser gods, spirits, and humans

7 Animistic Worldview Middle Spirit Level – Local spirits mediate between the cosmic god and everyday human life – Spirits can be malevolent or benevolent and control a power sphere such as wealth, health, fertility, luck, ect. – Humans must cooperate with and appease the spirits and gain their favor – Spirits differ from powers/forces

8 Animistic Worldview Realm of everyday life – Past Oriented – Humans have an inner life force that must remain strong – Spirit influence can cause the life force to wane, bringing on weakness, forgetfulness, soul fright, and bad luck – Shamans are the animistic priests and have the knowledge and power to influence the spirit world for human favor

9 Animistic Worldview Appeasement Methods – Sacrifices – Chants and rituals – Amulets and life packs – Magic Homeopathy (or Sympathy) and contagion

10 Missions Significance Most people, historically, come to Christ out of an animistic background – 40% from a pure animist culture – 70% of Muslims are folk Muslims – Syncretistic nature of animism

11 Missions Significance Similarity between animistic legends and Scripture – Creates bridges for the gospel Peace child, banana stalk, Fon and Ashanti story of python – Cultural truths given in story form

12 Approaching Animism Ask the right questions When to ask the questions? Danger of syncretism Flaw of the Excluded Middle

13 High/Low Religious Systems Compared to Great/Little Tradition High Religion Low Religion Sensory Perceptual Level Great Tradition Little Tradition Daily Activities Cognitive Domains (R.Horton; B. Wilson) Belief and Social Order (R. Redfield) Dr. Norm Allison - Cosmos, eternal - Institutionalized - Here and now - Event oriented - Low level institutionalization -Religion oriented -Elite, specialized leadership -Codes of belief, holy books, theologies -Magic oriented “folk” village level comprehension -Relates to daily needs, fears -Strong animistic influence

14 Confronting Animism Power Encounter – Direct physical presence of a Spirit-anointed Christian – Commanding demons, entering buildings, destroying amulets – Peter Wagner, Tom White, Charles Kraft – Fuller Seminary

15 Confronting Animism Truth Encounter – Combating the enemy’s lies with the truth of Scripture – Neil Anderson ministries – bondage breaker

16 Confronting Animism Holistic Approach – Danger of over-emphasizing power or truth encounter or avoiding the issue – Finding the answer to everyday practical issues like crop success, finding a spouse, fertility through critical contextualization – Need to stay long enough to understand the culture and work with the indigenous believers – Avoid syncretism through discipleship

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