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A WebQuest for 3 rd Grade English/Language Arts Research Project Designed By: Susan Welch May 24, 2013 Home Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "A WebQuest for 3 rd Grade English/Language Arts Research Project Designed By: Susan Welch May 24, 2013 Home Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 A WebQuest for 3 rd Grade English/Language Arts Research Project Designed By: Susan Welch May 24, 2013 Home Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

2  Scavenger Hunt  Description: You are an explorer going on a scavenger hunt to learn about the author Judy Blume. In doing this assignment, your group will gain knowledge in research about Judy Blume and will begin to understand about her life and the reasons why she became an author.  Keywords: Judy Blume, author, memories, imagination

3  Use the Internet, encyclopedias, computers, automated library information system, etc. to explore and identify key details about the author Judy Blume. In your discoveries, research information about Judy Blume’s life and career. To complete this project, you will:

4 First, you will be assigned to a team of 4 students. You will discover facts about Judy Blume and her life. You will then learn about the different types of books she wrote and where she got her ideas.  1 st task – You will research the following websites to learn about Judy Blume’s life and the many books she has written.websites  2 nd task – You will complete the crossword puzzle by answering each question in the correct across or down boxes. crossword puzzle  3 rd task – You will use the clues you found about Judy Blume and create a PowerPoint with a minimum of 8 slides explaining your findings. Included two (2) additional facts not found on the crossword puzzle.  4 th task – You will also locate three books in the library written by Judy Blume and list the titles on a PowerPoint slide. (See rubric for PowerPoint requirements)rubric

5 First....  Here are the resources you will use to increase your knowledge of Judy Blume’s life and achievements. Visit each site to find the answers to the crossword puzzle. Find at least three (3) additional facts about Judy Blume.  Judy Blume on the web -  On Assignment: Chelsea Clinton reflects on Judy Blume's impact on her childhood. Rock Center. NBC News. - assignment-chelsea-clinton-reflects-on-judy-blumes-impact-on-her- childhood?lite&preview=true. assignment-chelsea-clinton-reflects-on-judy-blumes-impact-on-her- childhood?lite&preview=true  January Interview Judy Blume on Censorship, enjoying life and staying in the spotlight for 25 years.  Scholastic - Judy Blume. BookWizard

6 Next....  Watch the following interview to learn how Judy Blume impacted Chelsea Clinton’s life by reading her books.

7 Click to print puzzle Who’s Judy Blume?

8 Finally....  You will be evaluated in the following areas:

9  Congratulations! You have completed this activity and hopefully, you have discovered a lot about the author Judy Blume!

10  Clinton, C. (2013, Feb.). On Assignment: Chelsea Clinton reflects on Judy Blume's impact on her childhood. Rock Center. NBC News. Retrieved May 16, 2013 from: reflects-on-judy-blumes-impact-on-her-childhood?lite&preview=true. reflects-on-judy-blumes-impact-on-her-childhood?lite&preview=true  (N.D.). Grading Rubric for a PowerPoint Project. Retrieved May 25, 2013 from:  Richards, L. (N.D.). “January Interview Judy Blume On Censorship, enjoying life and staying in the spotlight for 25 years.” Retrieved May 21, 2013 from:  Scholastic. (2013). Judy Blume. BookWizard. Retrieved May 23, 2013 from:  Teenreads. (2013). Biography: Judy Blume. The Book Report Network. Retrieved May 15, 2013 from:  Tuchman, M. (2007). Judy Blume on the web. Retrieved May 15, 2013 from:

11  By the end of this WebQuest, the student will identify information about the author Judy Blume by researching, designing, and completing a PowerPoint presentation.

12 W.3.7 Student will conduct a short research projects that build knowledge about the author Judy Blume. RI.3.1 Student will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. W.3.2 Student will write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. (a) Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. (b) Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. (c) Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of information. (d) Provide a concluding statement or section.

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