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The Self, the Unconscious & Archetypes Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung.

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Presentation on theme: "The Self, the Unconscious & Archetypes Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Self, the Unconscious & Archetypes Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung

2 Sigmund Freud A significant part of us unconscious Part of our identity Psychoanalysis: analysis of the mind The Interpretation of Dreams explored unconscious mind many of our actions, esp. unintended, have unconscious causes

3 Sigmund Freud “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.”

4 Psychological View of Personal Identity Unconscious “id” essentially irrational & pleasure seeking “superego” rules of conduct / attitudes learned from parents Conscious “ego” conscious rational self Childhood experiences  personality Unconscious  behaviour

5 Carl Jung Student/colleague of Freud Mind consists of archetypes Hero, god/goddess… Inherited unconscious patterns Recurring images in dreams & behaviour patterns

6 Sigmund Freud Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis P. 341

7 Carl Jung The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche Page 342

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