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Agenda, Session 8 100-130 Correction Procedures 130-200 Classroom Meetings 200 Break 210 Hold Classroom Meetings 245 Prepare for Studio Day at Bailey Gatzert.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda, Session 8 100-130 Correction Procedures 130-200 Classroom Meetings 200 Break 210 Hold Classroom Meetings 245 Prepare for Studio Day at Bailey Gatzert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda, Session 8 100-130 Correction Procedures 130-200 Classroom Meetings 200 Break 210 Hold Classroom Meetings 245 Prepare for Studio Day at Bailey Gatzert 1301 E. Yesler, Seattle

2 Example Hierarchy 1. Proximity & quiet reminder. 2. Review Classroom Expectations. 3. Precision Requests 4. Brief Verbal Problem Solve 3.1 Written Problem Solve 5. Modify Expectation as Necessary 6. Differential Reinforcement for Attention-Seeking 7. Response Cost Program 8. Consult with specialist for behavior plan 9. Safety concerns always trump classroom plan.

3 Ingredients for Effective Group Meetings 4 Meeting has a specific purpose and agenda. Planning, Problem Solving, Open Ended, Positives etc. 4 Desired meeting behavior is taught, modeled, practiced, and reinforced! Transitions in and out: Circle up... Clear rules & guidelines CHAMP for meeting? Active listening Giving and accepting feedback 4 Decisions, skills are followed up on 4 Students are actively involved 4 Used regularly

4 Basic Steps of Class Meetings 4 Meeting is announced 4 Transition routine is implemented 4 Leader is designated 4 Review of Group Norms/CHAMP 4 Meeting agenda or goal is addressed 4 Opportunities for feedback/discussion 4 Closing comments/decisions 4 Follow up is outlined/determined 4 Expectations for next activity are outlined 4 Closing transition

5 Positives Meeting 4 Purpose: develops communication skills, builds self esteem and group cohesion. 4 Teach giving and receiving positives skills first! Used regularly builds strong hearts! STEPS 1) Transition in, review norms and guidelines, determine leader etc. 2) Take turns giving one positive to self and to another 3) Positives may be collected and/or posted- journals, summaries etc. 4) Assure that everyone has an opportunity to give and receive 5) Closing comments and transition

6 Planning Meeting 4 Purpose: accomplish a specific task, involve group in decision making (field trips, fund raising, etc) 4 May require more than one, or carefully sequenced meetings. STEPS 1) Transition in, review norms and guidelines, determine leader etc 2) Define task or agenda item(s) 3) Generate ideas and feedback 4) Evaluate ideas 5) Lay out plans/steps and designate responsibilities 6) Determine timelines and follow up 7) Closing comments and transition

7 Problem Solving 4 Purpose: teach students how to solve problems effectively and peacefully, Address individual or group issues 4 Be sure to protect psychological safety of any individuals! STEPS 1) Transition in, review norms and guidelines, determine leader etc. 2) Define problem 3) Discuss perspectives/feelings of all involved or effected 4) Brainstorm solutions 5) Evaluate solutions- Best for ALL 6) Choose solution 7) Restate plan and get group commitment 7) Closing comments and transition

8 Open-ended Meeting Steps 4 Review norms and guidelines 4 Find out what is interesting to the students/ or use curriculum 4 Pose a question pertaining to the interest or the curriculum Purpose: discussion of a thought provoking topic. Can be related to curriculum. Stimulate thinking. Motivation to engage in academic ideas.

9 Steps 4 Review norms and guidelines 4 Find out what is interesting to the students/ or use curriculum 4 Pose a question pertaining to the interest or the curriculum 4 Discussion—teacher facilitates 4 Question and apply questions to the students’ lives 4 Work towards problem solving Educational Diagnostic Meeting Purpose: Discussion of topics to assess students’ comprehension of curriculum & evaluate teaching strategies. Stimulate thinking about curricular topics and real-life.

10 Teaching Social Skills 4 Purpose: To teach and practice new interpersonal skills or behavior, allows you to teach, model, practice, and reinforce needed behaviors. 4 Teacher usually leads- use principles of effective instruction STEPS 1) Transition in, review norms and guidelines. 2) Define What and Why 3) Task analyze the behavior (specifics) 4) Model it, allow kids to role play/practice it 5) Brainstorm When and How- apply and practice 6) Make new skill and steps public 7) Make plan for follow up and reinforcement 8) Closing comments and transition

11 Let’s Practice 1. Push Desks to Side 2. Form two circles & Have a 30” meeting 3. Identify Leaders 4. Thinking about this class/course: 1.Begin with positives 2.Discuss issues/agenda 3.Provide possible solutions 4.Plan for Bailey-Gatzert

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