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  Jay Wiley (Department Chair) – Ci-Df and Dg-I  Corey Debrody – A-Bar and J-Me

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2   Jay Wiley (Department Chair) – Ci-Df and Dg-I  Corey Debrody – A-Bar and J-Me  Emily Foster – Barh-Ch and Mf-Se  Jay Mercer – Brown-Ch and Sf-Z  Patrick Greenaway-Student Support Counselor  Wanda Moran-Graduation Coach  Kris Watkins-Student Support Coordinator  Jenny Poulos-College and Career Advisor Counseling Department

3   Johns Creek High School website (  Johns Creek PTSA website (  Johns Creek Counseling website (  Announcements (Broadcast during first period)  Twitter @JCHS_Counseling  Remind –Please text 810810 and message @JCHS19  Home Access/Teacher Websites/Remind for teachers School Information Sources

4  CoursesCredits/ Years English4 Mathematics4* Science4 Social Studies3 CTAE*/Fine Arts/ Foreign Language ^ 3 Health/ Personal Fitness1 Electives4 Total23 Graduation Requirements

5  Credits required to be promoted: 5 credits to go from 9th to 10th 11 credits to go from 10th to 11th 17 credits to go from 11th to 12th 23 credits to graduate Promotion Requirements

6   Summer school  Online options  Doubling up the following year  This is limited because these classes take elective spaces in the schedule and electives are required for graduation. * All classes attempted will appear on student transcripts. Credit Recovery Options

7   Fulton County uses a cumulative numeric average  100 point scale  Seven points added to passing grades in Honors, Advanced Placement, and College courses  Weighted (includes every class and grade on your transcript)  Semester grades are not averaged together. Fall and spring stand alone. If you either semester you will have to retake the class before you graduate. GPA

8   HOPE Scholarship  3.0 GPA as calculated by the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC)  Zell Miller Scholarship  3.7 GPA as calculated by the GSFC  1200 combined critical reading score and math score on a single national administration of the SAT or an ACT score of at least 26  HOPE Grant  Available for students seeking a certificate or diploma at a branch of the Technical College System of Georgia or a unit of the University System of Georgia HOPE Program

9   Rigor Requirements  The Class of 2018 must pass four courses from the following list:  Advanced Math  Advanced Science  AP in core subjects  Core subjects taken at a University System of Georgia Institution  Advanced Foreign Language HOPE Program

10   PSAT  Given in October to 9 th, 10 th, and 11 th graders  Determines if a student qualifies for National Merit Scholarship (11 th grade) High School Testing

11   Utilizing strong study habits  Obtaining good grades  Participating in extracurricular activities  Taking courses that are challenging  Identifying areas of interest  Exploring career options  Maintaining a healthy mental balance Freshman Focus

12   C2  Peachtree College Prep Speakers

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