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Outpatients 5 Senses Study. January 2006. Presentation to Patient Experience Council. July 2006. Matron Sara Courtney.

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Presentation on theme: "Outpatients 5 Senses Study. January 2006. Presentation to Patient Experience Council. July 2006. Matron Sara Courtney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outpatients 5 Senses Study. January 2006. Presentation to Patient Experience Council. July 2006. Matron Sara Courtney.

2 Purpose of the study.  To involve patients and staff in the identification of good practice and aspects of services/ environments that might need improving.  Focus on quality.

3 What the study involves. Setting Ground Rules.  Staff must feel safe. The focus is on helping to improve the outpatient experience, not disciplining or punishing bad practice.  Initial Feedback- Private location. Risk of misinterpretation if only snippets of conversation are overheard.  Confidentiality of staff and patients will be maintained.  60 minute protected observation time.

4 What the study involves.  29 Observational sessions.  SMH OPD, RHH OPD and EMH RHH departments were included.  Patients, voluntary services, OPD staff, administrative staff and management staff undertook the observations.

5 SIGHT. Close other senses and try to focus on what you can see.  Does the department look - welcoming/ tidy/ organised/ chaotic?  Is the first impression positive/ negative?  Are staff appropriately dressed/ name badges/ uniform?  Is the waiting area/ reception – tidy/ too busy/ cluttered?  Is interesting reading information available/ up to date?  Is there current health promotion material displayed?  Are waiting times clearly displayed and up to date?  Do staff look welcoming/ happy/ unhappy/ stressed?  Are reception/ nursing staff frequently interrupted/ focused on the patient?  Are patients dealt with promptly and fairly?)

6 HEARING. Close your eyes for a moment. Focus on what you can hear.  Does it sound busy/ chaotic/ calm/ relaxing?  Can you hear soft music?  How loud are the clinical waste bins?  Are staff distracted by telephones continually ringing?  Do staff introduce themselves to patients?  Do they speak in an appropriate manner/ language/ at a level of understanding?  Are the conversations you hear professional/ work related/ social/ appropriate?  Are patients kept informed of waiting times/ reasons for extended waiting?)

7 SMELL. Try to focus on what you can smell/ the general aroma of the area.  Include the toilets/ reception area/ waiting areas/ tea bar, etc.

8 TOUCH. Focus on how the area makes you feel.  Is it warm/ cold?  Are the chairs comfortable/ too hard/ too low?  Does it make you/patients feel welcome/ anxious/ safe?

9 TASTE.  Comment on the general taste of the area- e.g. décor/ cleanliness/ information available.

10 Conclusions and Action Plan.  Study provided wealth of up to date views on patient environment.  Enabled the accurate production of an action plan for the improvement of the outpatient experience.  Reported to - Divisional clinical governance forum - Senior nurse forums  Dermatology, pharmacy, radiology, maternity and critical care are now about to undertake their own 5 senses studies.

11 LISTENING TO PATIENTS- OPD QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 06/07. Based on Results from-  RHH/SMH Outpatient Five Senses Study Dec 05/Jan 06.  Trust PEAT assessment Jan 06.  RHH Outpatient Department Patient Experience Questionnaire Feb 06.  RHH/SMH Outpatient Satisfaction Survey Mar 06. Linked to Core Standards for Better Health.

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