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Unit 1 Clothing and Society Lecture 1: Basic Functions of Clothing

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1 Unit 1 Clothing and Society Lecture 1: Basic Functions of Clothing
HNC3O Unit 1 Clothing and Society Lecture 1: Basic Functions of Clothing

2 Function The clothing you choose meets certain basic needs that all people share You determine the function

3 Function ??????

4 Protection Protect us from the environment (sun, wind,
rain, cold, soil, bacteria ……)

5 Function???

6 Adornment Decoration makes people feel beautiful
The meaning of what is beautiful varies by culture

7 Function????

8 Identification Describes who someone is or what they
Uniforms within a group help them be seen easily Dress codes are a type of identification / uniform

9 Function???

10 Modesty People cover up their bodies according to what
they think is decent in different situations Modesty varies in different cultures and situations

11 Function???

12 Status Shows a persons rank in comparison to others
Royalty traditionally wear certain colours (red / purple) Badges, awards, ribbons, and stripes show status

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