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Mr. Hudson’s Review Test on Thursday. Topics Arrays Traversing Loops Selections Identifying code throughout a program Type Casting Conversion of numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Hudson’s Review Test on Thursday. Topics Arrays Traversing Loops Selections Identifying code throughout a program Type Casting Conversion of numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Hudson’s Review Test on Thursday

2 Topics Arrays Traversing Loops Selections Identifying code throughout a program Type Casting Conversion of numbers to a uniform structure

3 Arrays Data Type – this is specific to the data you wish to store Array Name – This is unique to your array Array Size – This cannot be a variable unless you dynamically create an array

4 Traversing Loops Types of loops – While – Do – While – For

5 Selections One Way Two Way Multiple Selection – Switch and if-else if- … - else

6 Identifying Code Following how variables are modified and remain the same by a given code This is something you all need to at least pay more attention to.

7 Data types and the forcing Type Casting – Convert a Character to an Integer -Know the values of specific characters -A, Z, a, z, *, and any other character you want to remember outside the alphabet -These will be tested on the test in some form or fashion

8 Conversions This is important, the single most important section of the test, is your ability to create repeatable instructions abstract enough that the computer can change and alter the output to be in a desired fashion. Things to look over, printing out your letters to create a massive array. How random works. How you changed the seconds in the program to fit your clock changing for time.

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