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Histology Department. Coordinator: Dr. Tarek Dardeer Teaching staff: Dr. T. Dardeer Dr. Sahar Galal Semester: Three Year: Second Duration: 3 weeks Beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "Histology Department. Coordinator: Dr. Tarek Dardeer Teaching staff: Dr. T. Dardeer Dr. Sahar Galal Semester: Three Year: Second Duration: 3 weeks Beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology Department

2 Coordinator: Dr. Tarek Dardeer Teaching staff: Dr. T. Dardeer Dr. Sahar Galal Semester: Three Year: Second Duration: 3 weeks Beginning : 18/10/2016 End: 6/11/2016

3 The goals of this module is to provide students the following:  Theoretically: To understand the different types of tissues and their integration to form organs and systems  Practically: To recognize microscopic preparations and identifying different tissues under microscopes.

4 On completion of the courses of Cells and Tissues module, the students should be able to:  Comprehend the histological terms and use them correctly.  Recognize the different types of microscopes, their mode of function and utilization.

5  Identify the different histological techniques including light and electron microscopic preparations.  Understand the components of cells including cell organelles and inclusions, and correlate their structure to function.

6  Recognize the cellular components of normal tissues and organs and correlate structure to function  Acquire sufficient basic concepts to be able to pursue post-graduate studies and continuing medical education and develop habits of self-learning.

7  1- Microtechnique 1 and 2  2-ultrastucture of the cell 1 and 2  3-Epithelial tissues  4-Connective tissues  5-Catilage  6-bone  7-Blood  8-Muscular tissue  9-Nervous tissue 1 and 2  10-Lymphoid system  11-Cardiovascular system  12-Respiratory system  13-Integumentary system




11 ModuleCode/No. Module Units (Hours) Credit Hours TheoreticalPractical CELLS AND TISSUESANTM 21124 14 2

12 Quiz 110 midterm20 Open book exam5 Oral exam5 Practical15 Final45 Total100

13 Quiz (1) Microtechniques - Cartilage (6 lectures) Midterm Bone – Blood – Muscle – Nervous – CVS - CT Oral Exam CVS – Lymphatic – Skin - Blood Open Book Exam Blood Final Theory All lectures Final Practical Slides + EM

14 Name of BookAuthorsPublishers Year of Publication 1 Colour Textbook of Histology; 3 rd ed. Gartner LP and Hiatt JL WB Saunders Company 2004 2 Di Fiore's Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlation; 10 th ed. Eroschenko VP Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2005 3 Basic Histology 10 th ed. Junqueira,Car neiro and Kelly Appleton & Lange 2003


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