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Monday November 9, 2015 Planner: – HW: Pond paper (typed) due on Monday; will discuss at the end of class today You Need: – Today: Daily 5 To Do: NEW SEATS.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday November 9, 2015 Planner: – HW: Pond paper (typed) due on Monday; will discuss at the end of class today You Need: – Today: Daily 5 To Do: NEW SEATS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday November 9, 2015 Planner: – HW: Pond paper (typed) due on Monday; will discuss at the end of class today You Need: – Today: Daily 5 To Do: NEW SEATS TODAY – old D’s bring me your notebook (tape lesson later) – Pick up the handout and trim and tape pages 1-6 onto page 31 of your notebook – The last page of the lesson (⅞) gets taped to p. 30

2 4 30 31

3 Learning Target Students will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of cells

4 Plant Cells - Follow Guidelines

5 Directions A’s come and get prepared spirogyra (green) and onion (stained reddish brown) slides Everyone else, please go to your lab stations and set up microscopes

6 Directions Start on low power and then move up to medium and then high power to view two slides Observe and draw on high (or medium) and follow all scientific guideline

7 Clean-up B’s bring me the slides C’s clean up microscopes D’s come and get your notebooks and trim and tape pages 1-6 of the lesson onto page 31 of your notebook The last page of the lesson (⅞) gets taped to p. 30

8 Pond Paper A’s come and get the handouts for everyone at your table

9 Learning Target Students will observe, draw, label and reflect on over time on their model pond ecosystems

10 Pond Paper

11 Reflection Questions


13 First Draft

14 Rubric (need new version

15 REMINDER HW: Typed Pond Paper due next Monday When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!

16 Pond Organisms 0Yeo

17 Tuesday November 10, 2015 Planner: – HW: Pond paper (typed) due on Monday; You Need: – Today: Daily 5 To Do: (write a few notes under Lesson 7 p. 31 on lined paper) – What did you notice when you observed/drew the plant cells (spirogyra and onion leaf) yesterday? – Did you recognize any structures?

18 Learning Target Students will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of cells

19 Spirogyra at 400X

20 Onion Cell at 400X

21 Lesson 7 Elodea Leaf in Fresh and Salt Water 2 slide samples - one is elodea in fresh water and the other is the elodea in salt water Look at low and look for a “thin layer” of cells. Move to medium and then high and focus on one cell to draw Estimate size of 1 cell - with FOV or ruler

22 Directions/Roles B’s will carefully get slides - they have coverslips and are fragile! A/B partners - elodea in fresh water C/D partners - elodea in salt water (masking tape on end of slide)

23 Lesson 7

24 Clean-up C’s will return slides to fume hood area D’s and A’s will clean up microscopes today

25 Elodea Cells fresh water salt water

26 REMINDER HW: Typed Pond Paper due next Monday When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!

27 Thursday November 12, 2015 Planner: – HW: Pond paper (typed) due on Monday You Need: – Today: Daily 5 To Do: – QUIETLY open your notebooks to Lesson 7. Swap notebooks with your elbow partner. Peer review the “Elodea in fresh water” drawing; circle any of the guidelines partner should revisit

28 Lesson 7 - Tuesday


30 Learning Target We will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of cells

31 Lesson 7 Review Monday - onion cell and spirogyra cell

32 Lesson 7 Review Tuesday - elodea cells in fresh and saltwater

33 Lesson 7 Page 2 - Animal Cells

34 Animal Cells Today we have “prepared animal slides” that are glass and not plastic - in your bin Cheek cells - slide is labeled “Epithilium” Nerve cells - slide is labeled “Neurons”

35 Safety Slides are glass - fragile, so carefully move objective lenses; coarse adjustment knob is moved only on LOW power

36 Directions Observe, draw, label and measure one cell from each of the slides on high power using your scientific guidelines Do the structures look the same or different than previous cells? How would you describe the check cell? How about the nerve cell?

37 Cheek Cells

38 Nerve Cells

39 Clean-up B’s and C’s will clean up microscopes today - make sure slides are returned to cup in lab bin A’s and D’s - return to table and check that you have used the scientific guidelines for both drawings

40 Finished? - Start Lesson 7 Reading Read OMM book - page 83-85 We will finally name the cell structures we have been observing for the last few days and start to think about their function (job) in the cell

41 REMINDER HW: Typed Pond Paper due next Monday When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!

42 Friday November 13, 2015 Planner: – HW: Pond paper (typed) due on Monday You Need: – Today: Daily 5 To Do: – Look over your microscope drawings from this week (plants and animals). What do you notice about the structures. What is the same and what is different?

43 Learning Target We will observe, draw, label and reflect on the structure and function of cells

44 WORK ON PAGES 3-6 IN LESSON 1.Finish reading OMM pages 83-85 2.Read in ScienceSaurus pgs. 74-78 3.Independent work on Lesson 7 - pages 3-6 Fill in Questions, diagrams, then matching and finally the venn diagram (compare) 1.Last 10 minutes - you can work together to finish if everyone is working hard. Let’s look at some pictures before you reflect.






50 Return to our cell slides

51 Spirogyra

52 Elodea Leaf Cell Fresh Water Salt Water cell membrane

53 Cheek Cells

54 Nerve Cell

55 Reflection Questions

56 Return Test Trim and tape onto p. 28 of notebook

57 REMINDER HW: Typed Pond Paper due next Monday When dismissed please push in your chair and use EXIT door!

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