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Performed by:Gidi Getter, Shir Borenstein Supervised by:Ina Rivkin המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי.

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Presentation on theme: "Performed by:Gidi Getter, Shir Borenstein Supervised by:Ina Rivkin המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performed by:Gidi Getter, Shir Borenstein Supervised by:Ina Rivkin המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל Technion - Israel institute of technology department of Electrical Engineering Space Wire Core for LEON3 System

2 Project Definition Design a Space Wire core. Connect core to LEON3 system. Load system to FPGA and test point to point SW connection via Space Wire Bridge.

3 What is Space Wire? Space Wire is a spacecraft communication network. It is coordinated by the European Space Agency (ESA). Components are connected through low-cost, low- latency, full-duplex, point-to-point serial links. Uses data strobe encoding - differential ended signaling (DS-DE). Space Wire utilizes asynchronous communication and allows speeds between 2Mb/s and 400Mb/s. The protocol describes routing, flow control and error detection in hardware, with little need for software.

4 The Protocol Consists of Data characters and Control characters. Data characters are 10 bits long – 1 parity bit, 1 flag bit set to ‘0’ and 8 data bits.

5 The Protocol Control characters are 4 bits long – 1 parity bit, 1 flag bit set to ‘1’ and 2 control characters. Control codes is built with the ESC character following a FCT character / Data character.

6 Flow Control NULL is transmitted whenever a link is not sending data or control tokens. Data flow across a link is controlled using FCT’s sent from one end of the link to the other end to signify that the sender is ready to receive some more data. The receiver of the FCT’s needs to keep count of N-Chars sent and FCT’s received by the ratio of: 1 FCT = 8 N-Chars.

7 Space Wire Usage SW SW Router Component A (Computer, Device, etc) Satellite Component B

8 LEON3 System LEON3 Processor AMBA Bus AHB Controller JTAG Dbg Link Memory Controller SERIAL Dbg Link JTAGRS232 Space Wire Link LVDS RAM SRAM, DRAM etc.

9 Space Wire Core Transmitter Receiver Transmit FIFO Receive FIFO State Machine AMBA Bus AMBA Controller 32 bit Space Wire Link Data Strobe Data Strobe Status Register 8 bit

10 LEON3-Core Communication SW core will be implemented as a slave on AHB Bus. Implement status register for flow control between LEON3 processor and SW core. To write data, LEON3 first checks if there is room in the transmit FIFO, if so puts the data on AHB Bus. To read new data we use pulling: The LEON3 samples the status register to check for new data, and reads from the receive FIFO if new data arrived.

11 Development Steps Learn Space Wire Protocol. Design a block diagram for SW core. Learn how to connect core to AMBA Bus and adapt the SW core for LEON3 use. Implement the Core in VHDL. Simulate the design with loopback. Write C program and Simulate the design on LEON3 system. Load the system to GR-RASTA board. Transfer data via SW connection from board to SW bridge.

12 Time Line Learn Space Wire Algorithm and checking possible implementations – 2 weeks Characterization Presentation – 19/11/07 Design a detailed block diagram for SW core ~ 2-3 weeks Find solution for connecting core to AMBA Bus ~ 1-2 weeks Mid term presentation

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