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JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. SUCCESS SKILLS For Crooms Academy of Information Technology Fall 2013 week 1.

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Presentation on theme: "JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. SUCCESS SKILLS For Crooms Academy of Information Technology Fall 2013 week 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. SUCCESS SKILLS For Crooms Academy of Information Technology Fall 2013 week 1

2 Course Objectives Refine or learn to create a resume Complete career assessment Refine or learn to create a cover letter Complete a job application Review career assessments

3 Course Objectives continued Elevator speech First impressions Interviewing skills & techniques Formal job interview

4 Session one Resume writing & Career assessment Why is a resume important? It is a personal document that outlines your: Work experience Education Achievements Career objectives

5 It makes a difference between Getting called in for an interview Or Being overlooked

6 What do I put on my resume?!?

7 “It’s my Life” Turn to page 11 in your workbook Workforce Preparation What skills do you possess now? Are you an excellent writer? Do you have exceptional communication skills? What are your technology skills? Are you great in math?

8 “It’s my Life” How would you convey them in a resume? What activities have you participated in? What kind of jobs have you held? Have you won any awards?

9 OKAY… That’s great, but I don’t have any of that stuff!

10 Community Service THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO GET SOME SOLID EXPERIENCE THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR RESUME! Volunteering offers you the chance to try out a new career without making a long-term commitment. It is also a great way to gain experience in a new field. In some fields, you can volunteer directly at an organization that does the kind of work you’re interested in. For example, if you’re interested in nursing, you could volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home. Your volunteer work might also expose you to professional organizations or internships that could be of benefit to your career.

11 Community Service THIS IS ALSO A GREAT WAY TO GAIN JOB SKILLS! Just because volunteer work is unpaid does not mean the skills you learn are basic. Many volunteering opportunities provide extensive training. For example, you could become an experienced crisis counselor while volunteering for a women’s shelter or a knowledgeable art historian while donating your time as a museum docent.

12 Where to look for Community Service Opportunities Go to the Crooms Website Look on the left side of the page Below “Quick Downloads” Click on Community Service Sites There is an entire list of all sorts of places where you can volunteer!!

13 TOP 10 RESUME TIPS Stick to the basics. Keep your resume professional by using white or cream-colored paper and a simple font. Colored and/or scented paper is inappropriate. Focus on accomplishments. Present yourself! Describe previous work experience, and list any awards or leadership roles. Include activities, such as the National Speech and Debate Competition. Show potential employers commitment and leadership qualities. Don’t be generic. Customize your resume for each position and employer. As you list previous positions or activities, include specifics. This sets you apart from the crowd.

14 TOP 10 RESUME TIPS Keep it brief. Employers are busy. They may have hundreds of applications for every one job posting. Keep your resume brief; one page usually is sufficient. Check the facts. Do not estimate dates and titles. If you are unsure of an employer’s title, dates of your last jobs, or years of school—don’t guess. Stretching or estimating information will come back to haunt you and could eliminate you from consideration.

15 TOP 10 RESUME TIPS Include a cover letter. Employers categorize applicants on the quality of their cover letter. This is your chance to expand on your qualifications and provide employers with a glimpse into your personality. Include the right information. A job termination, or a failed class, should not be listed on your resume. Include accurate and honest information that presents you in the best possible light.

16 TOP 10 RESUME TIPS cont. Speak to your audience. Research the company and position before applying. Employers recognize and appreciate the extra effort. Keep it professional. Employers do not want to know that you enjoy scrapbooking and running, unless it directly relates to the potential position. Leave hobbies, your height, weight, religion, family, or any other personal information, off your resume.

17 TOP 10 RESUME TIPS cont. Proofread, proofread, proofread. Always use spell-check. Take advantage of this computer software. It identifies many typos but not all. (For example, the words “there” and “their” commonly are misused on resumes and in cover letters, as are “its” and “it’s.”) Proofread your work several times, and ask a friend or family member to review it, as well. The more time you spend proofreading your resume and other application materials, the better they will be.

18 Digital Resumes The Internet has drastically changed the job search and how to write an effective résumé. Years ago, the classifieds section of a newspaper could only reach job seekers in a limited area. Today, the Internet allows job seekers from all over the country to find and apply for jobs thousands of miles away.

19 What does a resume look like?!?

20 Portfolios & Job Shadows In your Junior year, you will be going on a Job Shadow to a work site! You will need to have a resume in order to go! You will also need to put together a portfolio in your Senior year! Begin thinking about what you will put in that important document!

21 CAREER ASSESSMENTS Complete Career Assessment Page 35 in the student workbook go to http://studentcenter.ja.org - click on Explore Careers - click on Career Assessment Activation Code: N3235773GYT

22 SUMMARY Values A person’s beliefs and ideals Interests A person’s preferred activities or hobbies Skills A person’s talents or abilities Transferable skill A skill needed in many different

23 SUMMARY Career Meaningful work that not only provides income but also makes purpose of your values, interests & skills Self-knowledge The special qualities each person possesses, including his or her skills, interests and values Resume A written summary of a person’s education and work experience

24 NEXT WEEK Have your Career Assessments done We will learn what goes in a cover letter HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!

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