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Models of innovation in learning online Cathy Lewin & Nicola Whitton Education and Social Research Institute Manchester Metropolitan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Models of innovation in learning online Cathy Lewin & Nicola Whitton Education and Social Research Institute Manchester Metropolitan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models of innovation in learning online Cathy Lewin & Nicola Whitton Education and Social Research Institute Manchester Metropolitan University

2 Overview Background to the project What is formal online learning? MILO framework Typical models Findings Concluding remarks

3 Background to the project Becta-funded August 2007-July 2008 Key stage 3 and 14-19 Research questions –Feasibility –Models –Effectiveness and impact Research methods –Knowledge mapping –Case studies

4 What is formal online learning? Using networked devices to support learning, teaching and assessment Accredited Face-to-face or distance Directed or independent study

5 MILO framework (1) PedagogyOrganisationTechnology

6 MILO framework (2)

7 Typical models Fully online Independent study Added value Flexible integration

8 Findings: Learners Supports personalised learning Positive but favour flexible integration and blended models Can re-engage disaffected learners Self-motivation and autonomy required for fully online and independent study

9 Findings: Learners “Virtual School is like, I’m in charge. I can learn what I want to learn, I look at the page, I click what I want to learn – because [in the classroom the teacher says] ‘text book 1, page 56’, but [in the learning platform] there’s a list of lessons, and I can click which one I want to go to, and learn which one I [want to] learn... I’m the boss, I’m the man – I’m free!” Year 7, Villiers High School

10 Findings: teachers Teaching needs to be re- orientated to independent learning rather than transmission models Need pedagogical training and support for teachers Positive impact overall (eg managing assessment) but perceived negative impact on role

11 Findings: teachers “What I like about [portfolios on the learning platform] is that it is very structured. I think I have more control over what they’re doing, what they’re learning, where the evidence is going, finding the evidence and tracking the evidence. A lot more control over what’s going on than when it’s a paper portfolio.” Tutor, St Helens College

12 Findings: institutions Flexible integration can address –Staff shortages –Space limitations Facilitates multi-site delivery Access is an issue where online learning is onsite: 1-1 provision would address this Design should focus on pedagogy not technology

13 Findings: institutions “We’ve always tried to have a fairly low minimum computer spec for [our online course], this is not about whizz-factors, not about technology, this is about using the Internet, it’s about pedagogy, it’s about making things happen.” Tutor, The Sheffield College

14 Concluding remarks There is no such thing as a ‘typical model’ Limited pedagogic tools Difficulty of data collection Extension - online / offline Report to be published soon

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