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Vision of the administrative capacity in the development and management of programs and projects co-financed by the European Union Sofia, 8 December 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision of the administrative capacity in the development and management of programs and projects co-financed by the European Union Sofia, 8 December 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision of the administrative capacity in the development and management of programs and projects co-financed by the European Union Sofia, 8 December 2015 ANNUAL MEETING OF LEADERS AND EXPERTS WORKING ON PROJECTS FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY IN THE EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL AND INVESTMENT FUNDS

2 Short version = print & online Full version = online only

3 Global objectives  Further professionalization of the management of EU funds  Support development of  Higher administrative  capacity in administrations  managing the funds. 3 EU competency framework for the management and implementation of EU funds

4 Specific objectives 01 Competency framework for ERDF and CF ► Define key competencies required for effective management of the funds ► Provide a self- assessment tool to identify competencies which need upgrading 02 Stock-taking ► Cross-compare different approaches and models for managing the funds ► Identify good practices for managing competences ► Provide an overview of academic programmes 03 Recommendations ► Provide recommendations on how competencies can be enhanced ► Provide a blue print for training programmes and curricula

5 Why a competency framework and self-assessment tool Current programme period introduced changes in the regulations – implies new competences needed Efficient management of ERDF and CF calls for a mix of competences that goes beyond what is necessary to comply with legislative requirements Part of Member States need to strengthen administrative capacity – the tools support the set-up of an integrated capacity building path (high) Turn-over rates ask for sound definition of competencies needed for new staff Supports increased levels of capacity by gaps analysis; provides basis for action plan

6 What is the Competency Framework Structure and scope of application The Competency framework covers all authorities managing the funds: National coordinating bodies,MAs, IBs, AAs, CAs and ETC Joint secretariats It defines main tasks(functions): programming, project selection, monitoring, evaluation, communication, financial management, etc. It defines detailed subtasks per main function: e.g. project selection includes development of selection criteria, preparation of procedures and guidelines, administrative and eligibility check, appraisal, etc. It defines competences needed for operational, supervision and managerial level

7 3 types of competencies Management Competences: specific mostly to managerial functions, e.g. people management, multi- stakeholder management, delegation Professional Competences: required for all employees in order to ensure efficient execution of professional functions, e.g. analytical skills, communication, problem solving, team work Operational Competences: are required for staff to perform the assigned functions according to the Regulations and obligations of the 2014-2020 programming period and are task specific, e.g. knowledge eligibility rules, indicator setting, state aid rules, financial instruments set up, etc.

8 Benefits Provides flexible but standardised approach to assess competency gaps and link them to training strategy Enables institution level analysis of available competencies and comparison of competencies possessed by employees with the same job roles Enables flexible development of job profiles Enables competency and evidence-based strategic HR planning and management Enables competency improvement planning for individual employees

9 What the tool is not meant for Proficiency levels are meant for gaps analysis at institutional and individual level for learning purposes, not for individual appraisal purposes The tool is an internal aid to close knowledge gaps and is: not meant for cross comparison of institutions not meant for sharing the results with DG Regio or other institutions

10 How does it work Required competencies are identified for the NCA, MA/IB, CA, AA and JS based on their tasks and subtasks Proficiency levels (1-4) are set for all required competencies Proficiency scales are provided for setting proficiency levels and assessing available competencies The tool allows semi-automated self-assessment at individual level and aggregation of results at institutional level

11 Self-assessment tool – overview Purpose: assess individual competencies, identify competences which are lacking or need upgrading and support capacity building Contents: a data base integrated in Excel based semi-automated tool that includes: All types of authorities responsible for managing ERDF and CF Tasks and subtasks linked to each type of authorities Competences linked to all types of authorities and tasks Required proficiency levels for all competences Guidelines and self-assessment methodology The tool could be customized based on specific needs The tool is standardized in order to guaranty coherent and consistent tool application across authorities using standard sets of tasks, subtasks, competencies and proficiency levels Competency Frameworks in public administration - LT and EU examples

12 Expected results Help MS/regions to - identify competency and skills gaps among their staff and thus define training and recruitment needs - structure their administrations in a more efficient way The results can also be used for the development of training modules at both national and European levels, and for the development of curricula for academic training programmes on management of Structural Funds. The study is expected to be finalised in Jan/Feb 2016 12

13 Contact: Ann-Kerstin Myleus ( DG Regional and Urban Policy Unit E1 "Competence Centre for Administrative Capacity " 13

14 TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER: A new tool bringing together cohesion policy experts DG Regional and Urban Policy Unit E1 "Competence Centre for Administrative Capacity-Building and the Solidarity Fund"

15 How many staff in ERDF/CF management in Member States? A lot of experience!

16 TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER: key parameters QUALITY CONTROL of experts and exchanges LIGHT: Short-term expert exchanges with as little bureaucracy as possible FLEXIBLE: Different types of exchanges – based on Member States' needs RAPID: exchanges launched rapidly (e.g. within 2 months from approval of request) TARGETED: focused on concrete and specific topics Based on experience and infrastructure of TAIEX

17 State of play, Nov 11, 2015. 1. REGIO PEER 2 PEER launched 03/2015 2. 59 applications from 14 MS ("old" +"new") Most active – CZ (14) and BG (10) 3. 13 exchanges took place until end Oct 2015. So far feedback positive 4. Runs as pilot until mid-2016. Then - evaluated 17

18 Expert missions Study visitsWorkshops 2-5 Days 2 Days What we support

19 Eligible costs Travel and accommodation Per diemsFixed additional allowance EUR 250 per working day Other costs (e.g. interpretation, catering, printing, room rent, etc.) Expert missions Yes – for experts No Study visitsYes – for max 3 participants NoYes – possible for hosting institution upon request No WorkshopsYes – for visiting experts, but not for participants Yes – for visiting experts, not for participants Yes – for expertsNo

20 E-application link - eu/TMSWebRestrict/applicat ionForm eu/TMSWebRestrict/applicat ionForm Submission of the application online About 3 pages How to apply

21 Bulgaria:Study Visit to Spain on Management and Implementation of ESIF through Financial instruments (Oct 2015) Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy Hosting institution: Spain, Ministerio de Hacienda Bulgaria: Workshop on Central Purchasing (15 Dec 2015) Beneficiary: Public Procurement Agency Topics: Strengthening the administrative capacity, Central Purchasing Bodies, e-procurement, framework agreements Examples of exchanges

22 Demand for exchanges Has to be matched with supply of good expertise 22 Experts can register at:!xT39Xp We need experts! We are looking for Public sector employees From EU Member States Willing to share their experience with peers

23 Questions or Comments? Please do not hesitate to contact: Dedicated PEER 2 PEER website:!xT39Xp

24 Thank you for your attention! 24

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