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P RINCIPLES OF E FFECTIVE L EADERSHIP AND C OLLABORATION * Prepared by : Pam Howze Quentin Johnson John-Paul Smith Brian Vick Brenda Williams (*based on.

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1 P RINCIPLES OF E FFECTIVE L EADERSHIP AND C OLLABORATION * Prepared by : Pam Howze Quentin Johnson John-Paul Smith Brian Vick Brenda Williams (*based on the experience of LNC XXI)

2 My goodness what a fantastic idea I’ve just had! Leadership starts with an individual Leadership starts with an individual and an idea

3 To succeed, I must be Visionary Honest Determined Creative Humble That individual and that idea form the foundation of success Trustworthy Individual But, I can’t do it all myself Open to exchanging ideas

4 Collaboration is the key to success Individual Team I must assemble the right team who must have: But, having the right people isn’t enough Endurance & determination Belief in the mission Willingness to listen and find common ground Commitment to open & honest communication Willingness to work with others to achieve a common goal Commitment to accountability Honesty

5 Success depends on effective process Individual Team We must have an effective process, which should include: Effective and thoughtful delegation of duties Clearly defined expectations Well-developed strategic plan Accountability Clearly defined mission & goal Transparency Process

6 Success Individual Team Process Success Based on the experience of LNC XXI, each of these elements builds on one another to lay the groundwork for...

7 B EST P RACTICES F OR E FFECTIVE C OLLABORATION The mission of LNC is to inform, develop, and engage committed leaders by advancing their leadership qualities and broadening their understanding of and involvement in issues and opportunities facing our state. Success at LNC involves multiple people collaborating together toward a collective goal to accomplish something that couldn’t be accomplished alone. Thank you Together, we can make it happen!

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