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I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Turn in your document analysis  Warm-up  Discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Turn in your document analysis  Warm-up  Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Turn in your document analysis  Warm-up  Discuss how Bacon’s Rebellion, The Glorious Revolution and the Pueblo Revolt were the beginnings of Colonial Resistance in America

2 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Puritans in New England William Bradford – Plymouth John Winthrop – Massachusetts Bay  Church’s Role Separatist of the Church of England Society should be ruled as ‘near the law of God as they can” John Calvin ○ The elect  Conflicts and Dissention Roger Williams – Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson ○ “covenant of grace’ ○ Individual believer Witch Trials  Legacy Work ethic Education

3 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Religious Toleration  Maryland Catholic Lord Baltimore and Toleration Act  Rhode Island Roger Williams ○ Political authority of ‘outward estates of men’ ○ No legally established church ○ Questioned seizure of Indian lands  Pennsylvania Quaker ○ Inner light – from God for men and women for grace and understanding ○ Abolition of Slavery ○ Equality of Sexes ○ Pacifism

4 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Enlightenment  New Science Natural Laws of Universe ○ Study though logic and reason  Deism Watchmaker  Writings Locke ○ Natural Rights – life, liberty, property ○ Societies and individuals changed through education  Leaders Ben Franklin

5 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Great Awakening  Pietism Individuals could have personal relationship with God.  Reaction to Deism God is active in society and humans  Response to Predestination All must seek Salvation and find inner light  Increase in Baptist and Methodist Churches Mostly in Southern Colonies  Revival Emotional meetings and sermons  Leaders Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield

6 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Discussion  What examples of intolerance was practiced in the Colonies?  To what degrees was religious toleration practiced in the Colonies?  What was the long range impact of the Puritans on American life and thought?  What impact did the Great Awakening have on our desire for independence?  What influences did the Enlightenment have on the Colonist?  Where the Colonies (or is America) more Enlightened or Awakened?

7 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Quaker V Puritan  Charts

8 I can explain the religious diversity in the American Colonies. The Enlightenment and Great Awakening Next Time  All charts due  Handwritten outline due (individual)  Generalizations due (individual)  Start Unit 1 Product

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