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2010-2011 Intervention Open House! Welcome Everyone!

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Presentation on theme: "2010-2011 Intervention Open House! Welcome Everyone!"— Presentation transcript:

1 2010-2011 Intervention Open House! Welcome Everyone!

2 Welcome! I’m Mrs. Brown I’m the Title One Supervising Teacher and the Student Accommodations Consultant for Howard-Ellis. My job is to make sure that students get the extra help they need.

3 What is Intervention?  Howard-Ellis is a Title One school. This means we receive funds from the Federal government to run extra programs for students.  We are required by law to offer programs to anyone who needs extra support because we are a “school wide” Title One school.  Title One funds support Intervention classes and summer school.

4 New for the 2010-2011 School Year 2 new instructional assistants Student Assistance Team Extended day learning opportunities at Ellis for reading.

5 How did my child get selected for Intervention?  Universal Screening Test Scores  DIBELS  NWEA  MEAP  Classroom Measures  Performance on daily work  Unit tests  Grade-level common assessments  Grade-level data team work

6 At Howard-Ellis we have 12 instructional assistants working in many different ways. At Howard the Instructional Assistants are... Mrs. Bellaire Mrs. Bowman Mrs. Boyle Mrs. Daniels Mrs. Mudd Mrs. Robson Mrs. Scott All instructional assistants are “highly qualified” under the No Child Left Behind Act. At Ellis the Instructional Assistants are... Mrs. Archer Mrs. Brooks Mrs. Kulwicki Mrs. Lee Mrs. Matthews What does Intervention look like?

7 Ellis Intervention-Part I  Kindergarten students have 2 programs.  Road to the Code-A program to help students gain phonemic awareness skills (The ability to hear, identify and create the sounds of spoken language)  Reading Mastery-A “researched based” beginning reading program. Supports phonemic awareness, moves on to phonics and sight words. Reading Mastery provides a good foundation to support beginning readers.  First Graders also have 2 programs.  Reading Mastery  Read Naturally-A computer based fluency program which helps students practice newly acquired reading skills.  These programs are considered “pull out”.

8 Ellis Intervention-Part II  Both Kindergarten and First grade students are also served by “push in” Instructional Assistants.  The classroom teachers select students to work with the Instructional Assistants one-on-one or in very small groups.  The work done in these groups are based on a “who needs what” philosophy. The teacher identifies students who need development on a particular skill and the Instructional Assistant works on that skill.  The groups are very flexible and are designed to meet individual needs.

9 Howard Intervention  2 nd- 5 th Graders have two programs.  Harcourt Reading Intervention-A piece of our Harcourt Reading program. This program is designed to help students be successful within the regular reading program. Emphasis is on fluency, comprehension and phonics.  Read Naturally-A computer based reading fluency program. Children have RN during the specials of library and computer lab.  There is also some “push in” time at Howard which varies upon grade level needs.

10 What is DIBELS????  DIBELS stands for Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy Skills.  It measures where students are with their literacy skills three times a year with something we call “Benchmark Testing”.  If a student is not meeting grade level goals they are “Progress Monitored” weekly to see what kinds of interventions are helping.  DIBELS is NOT an intervention. It is a measure of progress.  Your child can increase their scores in DIBELS by practicing their reading skills at home.

11 In Addition….  Zoophonics  Math Concepts and Skills (Also referred to as Success Maker…formerly called “CCC”)  Primary First Grade

12 Improving Your Child's School Organizational Skills ********* A Handout from the Center for Effective Parenting

13 Items to Take Home. There are some handouts you might find useful for helping your student(s) at home. The are divided according to grade level and topic. Please feel free to take home information that is interesting to you.

14 Thank you so much for coming! Thank you for allowing us to serve your children.

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