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Session 41 Solution Oriented Meetings Session 4. 2 Recap Solution Oriented Conversation What went well? What needs more practice? Reflections… Next steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 41 Solution Oriented Meetings Session 4. 2 Recap Solution Oriented Conversation What went well? What needs more practice? Reflections… Next steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 41 Solution Oriented Meetings Session 4

2 2 Recap Solution Oriented Conversation What went well? What needs more practice? Reflections… Next steps …

3 Session 43 SO Parent / Professional Meetings Problem Solving Solution Building 9.30 am 9.45 am 10.15 am 10.30 am Problem Talk Solution Talk Problem Talk

4 Session 44 Four techniques of the solution oriented approach which can be incorporated into a solution oriented meeting Problem-free talk Goal identification Exceptions-finding Scaling

5 Session 45 Specific Roles Within the Solution- Oriented Meeting The Facilitator (active listening, sensitivity to emotional stances, and capacity for gentle assertion) The problem/concern/issue owner

6 Session 46 The 7 Step Process Adapted for Meetings The 7 Step Process

7 Session 47 The Underlying Structure Behind the 7 Step Process Step 1: Relaxation/focussing Step 2: Problem description Step 3: Problem identification Step 4: Problem prioritisation Step 5: Solution generation Step 6: Solution prioritisation Step 7: Action planning

8 Session 48 Step 1: Relaxation/focusing Meet, greet and relax attendees More formal relaxation techniques (if they want) Buffering

9 Session 49 Step 2: Problem Description Problem-free statements Explanation-free statements Posters

10 Session 410 Step 3: Problem Identification Question 1: “What are the issues, REALLY, which we need to address in order to….” These issues are how to…………….” Brain storming Miracle question

11 Session 411 Step 4: Problem Prioritisation Dot allocation

12 Session 412 Step 5: Solution Generation Question 2: “In how many ways MIGHT we address the issue of how to……….” Insert the top priority identified in Step 4.. Brainstorming using Scaling Exceptions

13 Session 413 Step 6: Solution Prioritisation Dot allocation

14 Session 414 Step 7: Action Planning What? Who? How? By when?

15 Session 415 The key questions at Steps 3 and 5 1) What are the issues, really, which we need to address in order to………………? These issues are how to… 2) In how many ways might we address the issue of how to……………?

16 Session 416 Activity 4(1) Film of Solution Oriented Meeting or Craig’s Story

17 Session 417 Staff meetings / interactions LANGUAGE MOULDS AND SHAPES HOW WE MAKE SENSE OF THE WORLD Emphasising the positive, the possibilities, and being ''future oriented" Re framing issues in possible language - what it will be like once a "solution" has been achieved

18 Session 418 Staff meetings / interactions The more the habit of appreciation is used in an organisation the greater the chances of its success -Directly via supervision, appraisal, team meetings -Indirectly via positive gossip; change the gossip and you change an organisation

19 Session 419 Activity 4(2) Scaling Discuss where your last departmental / school meeting was on the scale from 1 to 10. What would move the next meeting one step up the scale?

20 Session 420 For Next Time Think of a possible opportunity for holding a solution oriented meeting at work and plan for it. [It does not have to be the 7 Step process] Working on What Works report –useful for next week.

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