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Presentation on theme: "BEDMAKING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bedmaking vocabulary OOB Fan folding
Draw Sheet/Pull sheet/Incontinence Pad Chux Occupied bed Unoccupied bed Johnny Spread Blanket Flat/fitted sheets Mitered corner HOB

3 Why is it so important? WRINKLES : can aggravate pt. w/ thin skin causing poor circulation and eventual skin breakdown SHEETS: loose sheets can cause extra “weight” on a pt. causing potential skin breakdown


5 Comfort Measures for Promoting Sleep
Administer hygiene measures for residents/patients on bedrest Loose fitting nightwear/”johnny” Remove or change any irritants against the resident’s skin (wet brief) Position and support dependent body parts to protect pressure points and aid muscle relaxation

6 Client’s Environment Chairs Geri chair Lighting over bed Night light
Call light Overbed table Bedside table




10 Special Mattresses Types Regular firm, plastic covered
Mattresses used to prevent & treat pressure ulcers Alternating pressure Eggcrate Sheepskin


12 Nursing care Turn patients Q2h Skin care Positioning No wrinkles!
Wrinkles are uncomfortable! Wrinkles can cause skin breakdown! Wrinkles can interfere with proper circulation!

13 Considerations Bed position Safety Body mechanics Gatchs
Infection control Skin breakdown

14 The bed changing process
Every health care facility wants their patients’ rooms to reflect cleanliness, safety, and efficiency

15 Assembling Equipment 2 sheets Fitted for bottom Flat for top
Pillowcases Bed pad as needed Bedspread Blanket

16 LINEN Draw sheet Chux Fitted sheet

17 Linen Linen is based on what you need and patient’s condition…assess,assess, assess Cost control: Once linen brought into a client’s room, if unused, must be discarded for laundering. Excess linen causes clutter and obstacles in a cramped space

18 LINEN Under no circumstances do you place dirty linen on floor, footstool, another patient’s bed or on the bed side tables.

19 When does the bed get changed?
Usually after client’s bath Client is sitting in chair Out of room for tests Check throughout day and straighten linen prn After meals, if eating in bed, check for food particles Change linen that is soiled or wet

20 Effective Body Mechanics and Bed Making
Use the large muscles of the body Work smoothly and rhythmically Push or pull rather than lift Use your own weight to counteract the weight of an object.

21 Types of Bed Occupied Unoccupied Fan-folding Surgical/post-op beds

22 Occupied Bed Making bed with patient IN the bed
Gloves if drainage or at all soiled Check chart/kardex for activity level of patient Talk to the client, explain procedure Privacy Assemble all equipment, incontinent pads prn Safety with side rails/call bell Wash hands before and after






A type of corner used in making hospital beds that keep the bed sheets in place and wrinkle free


30 Infection Control and Bed Making
Microorganisms are present on the skin and in the general environment. Some microorganisms are opportunists; that is, they can cause infections when conditions are favorable ( break in skin, mucous membranes)

31 Infection Control and Bedmaking
3. Residents are often less resistant to infections because of the stress resulting from an existing disease process. 3. Residents are often less resistant to infections because of the stress resulting from an existing disease process.

32 Infection Control and Bed Making
Microorganisms may be transferred from one person to another or from one place to another by air, by inanimate objects or by direct contact among people. Therefore: Avoid holding soiled linen against uniform Never shake linen Always wash hands before going to another patient.

33 Safety checks When finished evaluate: bed position Call light
Side rails Unit tidy Personal belongings are within reach

34 ATTACHMENTS TO BED Bed cradle/foot cradle Foot board
Therapeutic Frames allow movement for immobilized patients & help prevent complications R/T immobility Bed cradle/foot cradle Foot board Therapeutic Frames allow movement for immobilized patients & help prevent complications R/T immobility Bed cradle/foot cradle Foot board Therapeutic Frames allow movement for immobilized patients & help prevent complications R/T immobility

35 Remember… To make bed, position is elevated
When completed, bed is lowered If occupied, patient comfort & safety Soiled linen away from uniform Gloves prn Bath before making bed if occupied

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