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Glen Austin Residents’ Association Public Meeting: Blocks 4 & 6 Road Closures 25 July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Glen Austin Residents’ Association Public Meeting: Blocks 4 & 6 Road Closures 25 July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glen Austin Residents’ Association Public Meeting: Blocks 4 & 6 Road Closures 25 July 2009

2 Agenda IntroductionMegan Hudson Security OptionsMike Agliotti Walling OptionAndre Vermeulen Fund-raising ideasMagda Prinsloo SummaryMagda Prinsloo Committee Election Meeting Closure

3 GARA  Vision:  GARA’s vision is to become the most pro-active and lively neighbourhood in Midrand. The only way to achieve this vision is through the subscription of each and every ratepayer owner as prescribed in paragraph 3.  Aim:  To influence public policy on matters of concern.  Objectives:  To create a stable and secure environment for residents.  Preserve and enhance the aesthetic attributes and rustic (country) atmosphere of the area.  Safeguard and, where possible, enhance the ecology of Glen Austin.  Guide the infrastructural development of Glen Austin so that the present character is not adversely affected.  Encourage the residents of the area to get to know each other, to care for each other to work together.

4 Introduction and Background  Security has become a major issue in SA  increasing crime in Glen Austin  Closed off areas and security villages has become the preferred way of living  High volume of through traffic (Vehicle and Pedestrian) becoming problematic  Destruction of Glen Austin’s roads,  Criminal elements provide a threat  Property value increase – location of Glen Austin and what it offers provides significant scope for increases  Property value in Glen Austin lags behind other surrounding areas, and has significant upside potential  Permanent closure of Douglas and Donovan roads has already happened  Lynwood Manor success – Gary Duke  Glen Austin’s residents cannot afford to follow a passive approach for safety and security in our area

5 Conceptual Plan  GARA to provide overall coordination and assistance with legal process and quotes, and setting of standards  Glen Austin divided into 5 or 6 Blocks  Each block responsible for:  Appointing its own team  Owner buy-in  Legal application  Funding  Erection of structures  It is proposed that a standard be set for all six blocks to create uniformity and consistency, and benefit from pricing.

6 Conceptual Plan (cont)  Dividing roads  Allen road – Provincial road that can not be closed  Olifantsfontein road – Provincial road that can not be closed  George road: Earmarked as major artery by council; bridge over Gautrain already constructed  Eastern side of Allen and South of Olifantsfontein can be one block, resulting in 5 blocks

7 The Blocks and Closures George Road Olifantsfontein Road R562 Road Old Pretoria Allen 2 1 3 4 5 6 Possible Gates

8 Options  Road Closure:  Manned booms  Automated booms  Proper gates with guards and entrance control – Glen Austin Estates?  Fencing:  Concrete palisade like on the R101 side and Randjesfontein  Electrical fencing with or without alarms  Steel palisade fencing  Access control:  Remotes, tags, transponders or pin pads for residents  Cell phone control to enable visitors entry  Guards that man the booms/gates  Biometric entry control as used in Midstream Estate  Image capturing and identification with cameras

9 Other Considerations  Ongoing management and operation of the closures and gates  Levies  Fund raising for construction  Entry for emergency vehicles  Security and patrol vehicles

10 Next Steps  Form Block Committees  GARA apply for George road opening  Seek resident buy-in & financial commitment  Start legal procedures for road closure  Traffic studies  Planning of closures in blocks  Raise funding within each block  Construction of closures

11 Road Closures: Next Steps  Voting at AGM  Form Block Committees  GARA Apply for George road opening  Seek Resident buy-in  Start legal procedures for road closure  Traffic studies  Planning of closures in blocks  Raise funding within each block  Construction of closures

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