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Daily AgendaDaily Agenda  Spark #4 Advantages/Disadvantages  Finish presentations  Strategies of North and South  First Battles – groups then individual.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily AgendaDaily Agenda  Spark #4 Advantages/Disadvantages  Finish presentations  Strategies of North and South  First Battles – groups then individual."— Presentation transcript:


2 Daily AgendaDaily Agenda  Spark #4 Advantages/Disadvantages  Finish presentations  Strategies of North and South  First Battles – groups then individual  Pass out maps for battles

3 Spark #4 Advantages / Disadvantages North  Advantages  Disadvantages South  Advantages  Disadvantages ***Use p. 158-9 as a resource!! --Looking at these Advantages and Disadvantages, for which side would you choose to be a soldier at the outbreak of the Civil War?? Why??

4 Advantages/Disadvantages  North  1. 2x as much railroad- transport troops and weapons  2. 2/3 the pop. of the country  3. Functioning government  4. Well balanced economy-2x as many factories and farms  5. Army, Navy  South  1. Well trained officers-the best military schools –better leadership  2. Slaves for production  3. Unifying cause- “their way of life”  4. morale  5. Defensive war

5 Lincoln Inaugural Address:  March 3, 1861  What has already taken place??  Secession of 7 states beginning w/ S.C.  Fort Sumter is brewing, Lincoln must decide what to do…

6 "The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government…" "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so...."

7 In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.... You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the Government, while I shall have the most solemn one to 'preserve, protect, and defend it.' "I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies..." What are Lincoln’s options??

8 Options 1.Resupply the fort 2.Resupply and send troops 3.Fight to keep the fort (offensive) 4.Abandon the fort

9 Strategies- (p.159)Strategies- (p.159) North South

10 Major Battles- First 2 years (July1861-Sep.1862)  Bull Run I (Manassas Junction)  Forts Henry and Donelson  Shiloh  Monitor v. Merrimack  Bull Run II  Antietam

11 Jigsaw on SteroidsJigsaw on Steroids  Groups of 6 –  6 Battles  1 person from home group goes to each Battle Group  Learn all you can about your battle  Required content info.  Report back to your group

12 Set up paper like so…Set up paper like so… Info needed for each battle: 1. Major generals on both sides 2. Key strategies for each 3. # of soldiers involved (both sides) 4. Distinguishing characteristics 5. Casualty counts (if given)



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