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Fascism. Common features in fascism Propaganda Totalitarian state Fear of communism Single party government with one leader Control of the media (propaganda)

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Presentation on theme: "Fascism. Common features in fascism Propaganda Totalitarian state Fear of communism Single party government with one leader Control of the media (propaganda)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fascism



4 Common features in fascism Propaganda Totalitarian state Fear of communism Single party government with one leader Control of the media (propaganda) Police and army used to maintain controll

5 Causes for the rise of fascism Economic depression Unstable governemt Fear of communism Strong leaders rising to the fore The effects of WW1 and the disappointment in the treaty of Versailles

6 What did they favour Extreme nationalism: nation all important individual subject to the nation, nation must expand and conquer Cult of the leader: leader must be obeyed: names given to the leader Use of violence was acceptable to achieve power Racialism: the race line must be kept pure Use of symbols Rewritten historical events









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