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Mahayaha Buddhism #10 Kamakura Buddhism 2: (ZEN/ Rinzai) Masayo Urasaki 24 August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahayaha Buddhism #10 Kamakura Buddhism 2: (ZEN/ Rinzai) Masayo Urasaki 24 August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahayaha Buddhism #10 Kamakura Buddhism 2: (ZEN/ Rinzai) Masayo Urasaki 24 August 2012

2 Today ’ s schedule 1) DVD “ 禅 ZEN ” feedback & explanation 2) About Rinzai-shu 3) Essence of the Zen “ Jyu-gyu-zu (十牛 図) ” 4) Workshop: Beyond the words

3 Keywords ・ Eisai (栄西) ・ Rinzai-shu (臨済宗) ・ Kennnin-ji/temple (建仁寺) ・ Koan( 公案) ・ Jyu-gyu-zu (十牛図) ・ see the things as they are (あるがまま ) ・ Ikkyu (一休)

4 Rinzai shu (臨済宗) Eisai (栄西 ) ・ Born in a family affiliated with Kibitsu (吉備津) Shrine at Okayama Province. ・ Studied the Tendai esotericism at Mount Hiei. ・ In 1168,Eisai went to study in China Mt.T ’ ien-t ’ ai (天台山). ・ Meet Ch ’ an/ZEN at Mt. T ’ ien- t ’ ung (天童山) ・ After coming back to Japan, aimed to revival of Tendai Buddhism through ZEN. Eisai (栄西) (1141-121 5)

5 Rinzai Zen and Koan (公案)  Eisai tried Tendai sect to accept ZEN approach, but Tendai prohibited Eisai ’ s doctrine as heterodoxy.  New social class samurai welcomed Eisai ’ s approach as competition for the Imperial Court.  Eisai established “ Kennin-ji/temple (建仁寺 ) at Kyoto  Rinzai ZEN value practices of Koan (公案) that is just like “ Dhamma Puzzle ”

6 Jyu-gyu-zu (十牛図) Pictures about spiritual Journey of ZEN practice (pictures about cow) Explain the process of spiritual way of ZEN 1)Searching for the cow 2)Find the footprints of cow <footprints means Sutras or Koan that pioneer or senior already written>

7 3) Catch a glimpse of cow 4) Try to catch the cow by coming on so strong <you can practice so hard for the sake of getting way to enlightenment

8 5) Conciliate the cow <Practices your own mind to manage > 6) Ride the cow and go to your home <Finally you can enlighten and go back to your society>

9 7) Back to the home, and forget about the cow < Enlightenment is not gone, you can realize enlightenment is the process you can experience as you are> 8) Forget Everything

10 9) Appear the thing as they are <Enlightenment is just here, always still there in nature> 10) To the town or village < After enlightenment, you can talk with local people to share Dhamma>

11 Another Rinzai Zen Master Ikkyu( 一休)  Born at Kyoto and became ZEN monk he was 6 years old at Ankoku-temple (安 国寺)  He was very good at making Poetry.  After Enlightenment, he lives as wonderer/ unconventional monk. Ikkyu sojyun 一休 宗純 (1394-1481)

12 Today ’ s Workshop The most important thing of ZEN is to realize or see the thing as they are. It come from the realize of “ Beyond the Words ” So, Let ’ s enjoy the works “ Beyond the Words ”

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