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Your name Visualization of abstract syntax trees.

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Presentation on theme: "Your name Visualization of abstract syntax trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 your name Visualization of abstract syntax trees

2 your name Overview Coco/R Aims of this project Current Options Approach Benefits

3 your name Compilers

4 your name Coco/R Compiler Generator Grammars Parser Scanner

5 your name Aims of project Produce an IDE for Coco/R Ease of use Increased User awareness Visualize abstract syntax trees

6 your name Current Options VCOCO –Lacks AST visualization ANTLR –Large –Complicated Notepad

7 your name Integrated Development Environment

8 your name Visualisation While (1 < p && p < 9 ) p = p + q;

9 your name Benefits Easier for new users Better error recovery Understanding Increased code manageability Code optimisation

10 your name

11 Zen: a Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight

12 your name question-mark-made-with-black-stones.php

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