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# Self Development In the context of spirituality and a practical approach Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Inaugural SessionFacilitated by Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "# Self Development In the context of spirituality and a practical approach Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Inaugural SessionFacilitated by Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 # Self Development In the context of spirituality and a practical approach Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Inaugural SessionFacilitated by Faculty Version Varadarajan Kannan February 2nd 2013 Class 9 Various Schools of Meditation Speech by Dr. Surendra Agarwal

2 # Dr. Surendra Agarwal He is an MD, Practising in Surat as Gastroenterologist. He started his practice in 1987 First Gastroenterologist and Endoscopist in Surat Married and has two daughters He is avid in Self Development and practices Meditation since 1989


4 # MY OPINION / EXPERIENCE OF THIS PROGRAMME Self development programme Spiritual context Practical approach


6 # Meditation is to train the mind to be still and calm and to rest on one thought Untrained mind

7 # MOST POWERFUL INNER RESOURCE MIND Invisible Intangible Field of thoughts

8 # Mind is the most potent instrument Mind can either propel us on the path of progress or it can doom us.

9 # Mind is turbulent therefore, Cannot think clearly Cannot decide correctly Cannot act rightly What is the state of mind ?

10 # Mind swings like a pendulum Restless, Fickle

11 # Not existing in the present WanderingUnregulated

12 # How to regulate this unregulated mind ? Through MEDITATION 12

13 # If we regulate our mind Our problems will be solved 13 1.Stress 2.Lack of time 3.Poor concentration 4.Inability to take decisions 5.Worryiing about the future 6.Repenting for the past

14 # QUESTION Why there are so many methods of meditations ?

15 # Different methods have evolved with time depending on  the saints at those times  The need of people at that time  The understanding of the people at that time  The evolution of people at that time  The intellect of people at that time  The temperament of people at that time

16 # More than 100 methods

17 # Common methods are :  Brahmakumaris  Art of living  Vipassana  Trascendental meditation  Meditation by Vivekanand  Meditaion by Srimad Rajchandra  Meditation by Osho  Meditation by Krishnamurthy  Zen Meditation  Taoist meditation  Dalai Lama Meditation

18 # BRAHMAKUMARI Means “daughters of brahma” Based on Raja Yoga but it is different from classical Raja Yoga of Patanjali

19 # METHOD :  BKs meditate with the help of an image on a screen in a semi-dark room with open eyes.  Different images : 1. Dada Lekhraj 2. “Ocean of Values” 3. “Tree of Humanity” 4. “Three Worlds”  Or the practitioner/s sits across a trained teacher, meditating together Eye-to-eye Eye-to-forehead  Often BKs turn on music to aid meditation  During meditation BKs concentrate on becoming one with the Supreme Soul, or Shiv Baba  They do this for 20-30 minutes

20 # ACTIVITIES AND RECOGNITION :  The BKs conduct 7 one hour long courses daily in their philosophy and open-eyed meditation technique. It offers courses in “positive thinking”, “self management leadership” and “living values”. They also have a number of voluntary outreach programs in prisons

21 # Video on Brahmakumaris – Refer to supporting video folder to download the video to your local hard drive and link

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23 # ART OF LIVING  METHOD : Based on mantra Mantra are chosen based on age, occupation and inclination They think the mantra effortlessly They do not wish thoughts to come When they forget the mantra they come to it very quietly 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the evening Emphasis lies on relaxation and silence

24 #  PHILOSOPHY : Four main principles :- Present moment is inevitable Expectations reduce the joy Accept everyone and every situation as they are What you resist persists Smile and be unconditionally happy

25 #  NADI SHODHANA PRANAYAMA :- Additional technique to the practice of the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Technique : Alom-Vilom

26 # TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION Developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Specific form of mantra meditation Practice involves the use of mantra, for 15-20 minutes twice daily with eyes closed Certified teachers teach this technique in a 7 step course Fees vary from country to country

27 #  METHOD :- Meditation is practiced 20 minutes daily Recommended once after walking in the morning and then before dinner But is not recommended immediately before or after eating “focused attention” is not prescribed TM teachers caution their students not to be alarmed by random thoughts and to “attend” the mantra

28 # Video on Transcendental Meditation – Refer to supporting video folder to download the video to your local hard drive and link

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30 # VIPASSANA Means “seeing things as they really are” i.e not seeing things superficially with our regular eyes, but seeing them with wisdom

31 # Ten day residential course Conducted at established Vipassana centres Students –should remain within the course site –Have no contact with the outside world –Are refrained from reading and writing, and suspend any religious practices or other disciplines –Have to observe silence, not communicating with fellow students –Are free to discuss meditation questions with the teacher They follow a demanding daily schedule which includes about 10hours of sitting meditation

32 # Students undertake 5 moral precepts, practicing abstention from »Killing »Stealing »Lying »Sexual misconduct »Use of intoxicants

33 # First 3 and a half days : Anapana Meditation (focusing attention on breath to develop control over the unruly mind) Last 6 and a half days : Practice of Vipassana - Bhavana (One simply observes bodily sensations)

34 # Video on Vipassana – Refer to supporting video folder to download the video to your local hard drive and link

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36 # Commonalities of different techniques Quiet Mind Being in the present Altered state of consciousness Global Caste,creed,religions – NO Bar Being guided by a Guru or teacher


38 # HOW TO SELECT ONE METHOD ? Study each method Experiencing different methods Follow someone whom you trust

39 # Before Meditation Ignorance of Meditation What will you get by doing such thing ? Can I avoid it ? But, as well said -> Experience is the Best Teacher !!! Let’s try for the same !

40 # Observations: Closing Eyes »» Multiple thoughts are roaming around Feeling of travelling the world in just fraction of second In a big mesh of thoughts & different personalities Flash back of life ! Didn’t get any answer Instead of “WHO AM I ?” »» “WHERE AM I ?”

41 # Some Questions ! In the presence of music is it possible to meditate ? Can we do it by sleeping ? Is “Law of Attraction” meditation ? Why same time, same place ? Is same gesture necessary ? –(with open eyes, by walk) Thoughts of subconscious mind ?

42 # CARRY HOME MESSAGES Practise one method at a time Give a fair trial If you keep changing around frequently no results would be there

43 # Integrate meditation into your everyday life Make a promise to yourself to practise meditation daily

44 # Even if my blood dries out, my flesh, my bones, sinews and my skin shrivels, I shall not relent from my resolve. Never from this seat will I stir, until I have attained Supreme Enlightenment -- Buddha


46 # Key Questions 1. How many of you are religious? 2. How many of you are spiritual? 3. How many of you think there is no God or higher power? 4. How many of you believe there is a God of the Religions  Defined 5. How may of you believe there is a higher power, can not be explained by any one  Indefinable 6. How many of you believe there is a dynamic relationship with our Creator and the creation? –  Law of Nature vs Human will and determination –  Alignment vs Deviation –  Reward and Consequence 7. How many of you think meditation is a means to become spiritual?

47 # Closing Next Week Mid Term Review – 2 Presentations on the course so far – 2 Presentations on experience of meditation – Tips for Self Management – Guided Meditation


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