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16/17 August 2005 Tobias Haas: HERA II An Introduction to HERA Physics DESY Summer Student Program 16/17 August, 2005 Tobias Haas DESY, Hamburg.

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Presentation on theme: "16/17 August 2005 Tobias Haas: HERA II An Introduction to HERA Physics DESY Summer Student Program 16/17 August, 2005 Tobias Haas DESY, Hamburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 16/17 August 2005 Tobias Haas: HERA II An Introduction to HERA Physics DESY Summer Student Program 16/17 August, 2005 Tobias Haas DESY, Hamburg

2 16/17 August 2005 Tobias Haas: HERA II Part 3: HERA II 16 August, 2004 Tobias Haas Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron

3 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II HERA II: Luminosity, e  and Polarization Polarization: Polarization: 50% reached routinely now 50% reached routinely now > 200 pb -1 /expt delivered > 200 pb -1 /expt delivered Both lepton species Both lepton species Expect ~ 700 pb -1 /expt by the end of HERA (2007) Expect ~ 700 pb -1 /expt by the end of HERA (2007) 50% Polarization (%)

4 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II HERA Lumi Upgrade 1993-2000: 120 pb -1 e +, 20 pb -1 e - 1993-2000: 120 pb -1 e +, 20 pb -1 e - mainly low  mainly low  move proton quad’s from 27 to 11 m move proton quad’s from 27 to 11 m superconducting quad’s inside detectors superconducting quad’s inside detectors modest increase of beam currents modest increase of beam currents polarization polarization 2003-2006/7 : 1 fb -1 2003-2006/7 : 1 fb -1 I e / mA I p / mA  x / m  y / m L spec / 10 30 cm 2 s -1 mA 2 L / 10 31 cm 2 s -1 L int / pb -1 1993-20002000501007.000.500.66 < 2.0 14067 2002-2003 < 35 < 70 < 3 < 0.25 < 1.68 < 2.7 15 2003-2007581402.450.181.82 3.7 - 7.6 2003 - design 2003 - design 1 000

5 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II The physics from HERA-II with polarized e  beam in ep scattering does not differ (significantly) from that from HERA-I with unpolarized e  beam in ep scattering Nevertheless the longitudinally polarized e , new features the higher luminosity and @ HERA-II the upgraded H1 & ZEUS detectors - do open up new measurement possibilities - should significantly improve the precision of all measurements made at HERA-I - may reveal surprises HERA-II versus HERA-I

6 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II H1 Upgrade polarimeters Forward tracking: Si + DC Fast Track Trigger Very Forward Proton Spectro- meter VFPS

7 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II ZEUS Upgrade Beam Pipe Magnets Straw Tube Forward Tracker Micro Vertex Detector Lumi Measurement

8 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II HERA parton density information will be quite important for the LHC data anlyses HERA parton density information will be quite important for the LHC data anlyses HERA and the LHC

9 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II e ± beam naturally transversely polarized (Sokolov-Ternov effect) P e up to ~55% Rise-time ~22min Two independent measurements by LPOL & TPOL Longitudinally polarized e ± beam Feb. 2003: a world first: Helically polarized e  colliding with a high energy proton beam with 3 pairs of spin rotators Spin rotators Polarization in HERA

10 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Polarization in HERA Rotator UP NEGATIVE helicity Rotator DOWN POSITIVE helicity

11 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Currently analysed Data

12 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Charged Currents SM expectation: σ ± (P e ) = (1± P e ) σ ± (P e =0) Right-handed currents are absent

13 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II For NC: em contribution dominating at low Q 2 is independent of P e. weak NC only significant at high Q 2 Neutral Currents: Lepton species and polarization

14 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II NC Results

15 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Neutral Currents Charged Currents The BIG picture

16 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Charm and Beauty

17 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II What is in the proton? u, d, g ( + s + c + b)

18 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Identifying Heavy Quarks … Method A: Method A: Identify a charmed meson in a specific decay channel Identify a charmed meson in a specific decay channel works well for c works well for c Method B: Method B: Look for leptons (e, μ) from semileptonic decays of quark Look for leptons (e, μ) from semileptonic decays of quark

19 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Identifying heavy quarks Method C: Method C: Explore “long lifetime”, i. e. macroscopic decay length of mesons containing heavy quarks Explore “long lifetime”, i. e. macroscopic decay length of mesons containing heavy quarks c  ~ 100 – 300 μm c  ~ 100 – 300 μm Need precision tracking Need precision tracking KK  

20 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Method C

21 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II

22 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II

23 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II What do we learn ? There is more to the proton than u and d … There is more to the proton than u and d … But QCD knows about this: But QCD knows about this: Once you add gluons … Once you add gluons … You also get charm and beauty You also get charm and beauty

24 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Scaling in DIS Point like partons Proton Callan-Gross Spin ½ Scaling violations Gluons HERA HQ measurements Charm & Beauty

25 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II another triumph of QCD:  s (Q 2 )… QCD fit of F 2 scaling violations : QCD fit of F 2 scaling violations :  s = 0.1150 ± 0.0019 (expt+fit) ± 0.0050 (scale) H1  s = 0.1166 ± 0.0052 (expt+fit) ± 0.0040 (scale) ZEUS Jet cross sections: 1, 2, 3 jets Jet cross sections: 1, 2, 3 jets  s = 0.1224 ± 0.002 (exp) ± 0.004-5 (theory) running  s (E T ) in one experiment

26 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II  s at HERA precision limited by theory : NNLO non-singlet expected for 2003 NNLO singlet + gluon 2004   S HERA 1 HERA 2 experiment 0.002 0.001 theory 0.005 0.00?

27 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II HERA Anomalies

28 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Single Isolated Leptons + E T / SM: < 1 event expected

29 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Isolated Leptons: New Physics?

30 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Isolated Leptons: e/μ Note: H1 Excess only in e + p data

31 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Interpretations in terms of FCNC

32 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Isolated τ

33 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Isolated τ

34 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Summary on Isolated Leptons

35 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Multi Electron Events

36 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Multi Electron Events

37 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Multi Electron Events: H1

38 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Multi Electron Events: ZEUS

39 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Multi Electron Events: What could it be?

40 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II BSM : R p violating SUSY

41 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Leptoquarks HERA competitive for small branching ratios: HERA 1 limits compete with LEP and Tevatron Run 1 HERA 2 limits compete with Tevatron Run 2LQ (RPV q) H1 M LQ LEPGeV/g S0LS0LS0LS0L7102150 S0RS0RS0RS0R6401700 Š0RŠ0RŠ0RŠ0R330660 S ½ L 850590 S ½ R 370770 Š ½ L 430- S1LS1LS1LS1L4901190 V0LV0LV0LV0L7303030 V0RV0RV0RV0R580540 V~ 0 R 9901610 V 1/2 L 4201000 V½RV½RV½RV½R950750 V~ 1/2 L 1020580 V1LV1LV1LV1L13602170 A.Zarnecki, EPS 2003, Aachen

42 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II BSM : R p violating SUSY SUSY-Top may be lightest squark ! Minimum Supergravity + R P violation : sensitivity to R p violating stop: HERA 1: ~ 270 GeV Tevatron Run 2: 200-250 GeV HERA 2 : discovery potential !

43 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Contact interactions new physics enters 4 fermion contact term e e q q HERA e p → e X LEP _ e + e - → q q _ FNAL pp → l l X g2M2g2M2 HERA 1 : HERA 1 : data agree with Standard Model up to highest Q 2 HERA 2 : with 500 pb -1 5  discovery if deviation data / SM > 1.5 HERA 1 : quark radius constrained to R q < 10 -18 m complementarity :

44 16/17 August 2005Tobias Haas: HERA II Contact interactions HERA, LEP, FNAL : all have similar 95% CL limits in the TeV range

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