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Future Reactor and Solar Neutrino Facilities S. Biller, Oxford University near.

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1 Future Reactor and Solar Neutrino Facilities S. Biller, Oxford University near

2 Reactor Experiments (  13 )

3 νeνe νeνe νeνe νeνe νeνe νeνe Distance Probability ν e 1.0 E ν ≤ 8 MeV Well understood, isotropic source of electron anti-neutrinos Oscillations observed as disappearance of ν e sin 2 2θ 13 Survival Probability + O(  m 12 2 /  m 13 2 ) No  23 ambiquity; No  CP effects; No matter effects; Minimal dependence on  m 12 2 Reactor Neutrinos P( e  e )  1  sin 2 2  13 sin 2 (1.27  m 13 2 L/E )

4 Another Reason for Multiple Approaches: These measurements are difficult! So, it’s important to have independent measurements with comparable sensitivities using approaches with different systematics

5 Braidwood Angra Double Chooz Daya Bay Reno KASKA Krasnoyarsk Diablo Canyon


7 Braidwood Angra Double Chooz Daya Bay Reno KASKA Krasnoyarsk Diablo Canyon

8 Comparison of Reactor Neutrino Experiments ExperimentsLocation Thermal Power (GW) Distances Near/Far (m) Depth Near/Far (mwe) Target Mass (tons) Double-CHOOZFrance8.7415/1050114/30010/10 RENO Korea17.3290/1380120/45015/15 Daya BayChina11.6360(500)/1985(1613)260/91080/80

9 e +p n e+e+ Gd-loaded scintillator Gd*

10 Backgrounds There are two types of background… 1. Uncorrelated − Two random events that occur close together in space and time and mimic the parts of the coincidence. This BG rate can be estimated by measuring the singles rates, or by switching the order of the coincidence events. This BG rate can be estimated by measuring the singles rates, or by switching the order of the coincidence events. 2. Correlated − One event that mimics both parts of the coincidence signal. These may be caused by fast neutrons (from cosmic  ’s) that strike a proton in the scintillator. The recoiling proton mimics the e + and the neutron captures. These may be caused by fast neutrons (from cosmic  ’s) that strike a proton in the scintillator. The recoiling proton mimics the e + and the neutron captures. Or they may be cause by muon produced isotopes like 9 Li and 8 He which sometimes decay to β+n. Estimating the correlated rate is much more difficult!

11   n p n e +p n e+e+ Gd-loaded scintillator

12 Gd*

13 Double Chooz detector concept (adopted by all) 7 m Steel Shielding 7 m Muon VETO: scintillating oil Non-scintillating buffer oil  -catcher: 80% dodecane + 20% PXE Buffer stainless steel tank + 400 PMTs (10’) target: 80% dodecane + 20% PXE + 0.1% Gd n e p Gd  ~ 8 MeV 511 keV e+e+ Mechanically complex construction Asymmetric Difficult to calibrate Necessity unclear for 2 position measurement Untested

14 Double Chooz Chooz Nuclear Power Plant Northern France 2 units with thermal output of 8.7 GW Far Detector: L = 1050 m 300 mwe ~50 events/day Near Detector: = 415 m 210 mwe ~550 events/day Reactor cores (Sussex)

15 Near detector Far detector

16 Improving CHOOZ results @CHOOZ: R = 1.01  2.8%(stat)  2.7%(syst) CHOOZ-far : 50 000/3 y CHOOZ-near: ~1 10 6 /3 y 2700Event rate 3-5 yearsFew monthsData taking period 0,5%2,7%Statistical error 6,82 10 28 H/m 3 6,77 10 28 H/m 3 Target composition 10,2 m 3 5,55 m 3 Target volume Double-ChoozCHOOZ – Statistical error – – Systematic error – Luminosity incerase L =  t x P(GW) x Np No reconstruction cut on fiducial volume More uniform detection efficiency Relative measurement using 2 “identical” detectors

17 Continuously monitor detector stability Calibrate relative PMT timing Study optical characteristics at different wavelengths Provides a simple, adaptable system for non-intrusive, in situ calibration with elements fixed in a well-defined, stable geometry

18 SoI from Sussex recently submitted

19 Daya Bay nuclear power plant 4 reactor cores, 11.6 GW 2 more cores in 2011, 5.8 GW Mountains near by 55 km to Hong Kong 55 km

20 North America (14) BNL, Caltech, LBNL, Iowa state Univ. Illinois Inst. Tech., Princeton, RPI, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, Univ. of Houston, Univ. of Wisconsin, Virginia Tech., Univ. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, George Mason Univ. Asia (18) IHEP, CIAE,Tsinghua Univ. Zhongshan Univ.,Nankai Univ. Beijing Normal Univ., Nanjing Univ. Chengdu Univ. Tech., Shandong Univ. Shenzhen Univ., Hong Kong Univ. USTC,Chinese Hong Kong Univ. Taiwan Univ., Chiao Tung Univ., National United Univ.,CGNPG, Dongguan Univ. Tech. Europe (3) JINR, Dubna, Russia Kurchatov Institute, Russia Charles University, Czech Republic ~ 160 collaborators

21 Experimental Layout Far site 1615 m from Ling Ao 1985 m from Daya Bay Overburden: 350 m Ling Ao Near site ~500 m from Ling Ao Overburden: 112 m Daya Bay Near site 363 m from Daya Bay Overburden: 98 m

22 9/14/2007TAUP 2007, Sendai22 Anti-neutrino detector design  Three zones modular structure: Target: 20t, 1.6m Gd-loaded scintillator  -catcher: 20t, 45cm normal scintillator Buffer shielding: 40t, 45cm oil  Reflector at top and bottom  192 8”PMT/module  PMT coverage: 12%(with reflector)  E /E = 12%/  E  r = 13 cm

23 AD modules in far site

24 Muon veto detector design Multiple muon veto detectors: RPC’s at the top as muon tracker Water pool as Cherenkov counter has inner/outer regions Combined eff. > (99.5  0.25) %

25 Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation

26 RENO Collaboration  Chonnam National University  Dongshin University  Gyeongsang National University  Kyungpook National University  Pusan National University  Sejong University  Seoul National University  Sungkyunkwan University  Institute of Nuclear Research RAS (Russia)  Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (Russia) +++


28 Schematic Setup of RENO at YongGwang Far Detector Near Detector Tunnel Length 300 m Tunnel Length 100 m 1.4 km 200 m Mt. 70 m Hill

29 Schematic View of Underground Facility Experimental Hall Access Tunnel Detector (4m high ☓ 4m wide) 100m300m 70m high 200m high 1,380m290m Far DetectorNear Detector

30 RENO Detector Dimensions Target  -catcher Buffer Veto Inner Diamete r (cm) Inner Height (cm) Filled withMass (tons) Target Vessel 280320Gd(0.1%) + LS 15.4 Gamma catcher 400440LS27.5 Buffer tank 540580Mineral oil 59.2 Veto tank 740780water201.8 total ~300 tons

31  13 limit from global analysis T. Schwetz hep-ph/0606060 sin 2 2  13 < 0.11 @ 90% CL

32 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 sin 2 (2  13 ) sensitivity at 90% C.L. current bound (Chooz + 3 constraint) Double Chooz RENO Daya Bay

33 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 sin 2 (2  13 ) sensitivity at 90% C.L. Double Chooz RENO Daya Bay T2K current bound (Chooz + 3 constraint)

34 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 Double Chooz RENO Daya Bay T2K sin 2 (2  13 ) sensitivity at 3  detection level current bound (Chooz + 3 constraint)

35 E-776 Savannah River Bugey E-816

36 1) Redundancy 2) Redundancy

37 Solar Experiments (near term)

38  Limit on  13 under 3 scenario at level of ~0.1 in sin 2 2  13 P ee SNO  sin 2  12 cos 4  13 (MSW)P ee KL  (1  0.39sin 2 2  12 )cos 4  13 (Vac) Robertson nucl-ex/0602005; Fogli et al hep-ex/0506083 Present:   12 and  m 12 2 determined by SNO, KamLAND (KL) and S-K.  Borexino has made 1st measurement of 7 Be neutrinos Measurement of 7 Be has potential to improve pp from Ga experiments and give information on LMA, sterile, and S 34 Very Near Future: Push to lower energies (LETA, SK III) and reduced errors Limit will improve somewhat due to more accurate constraints from SNO, Kamland and Borexino Improved constraints should appear soon

39 CNO gives information on age of Globular Clusters Next Goals: pep & CNO neutrinos pp and pep fluxes direct test of luminosity constraint pep at 1.4 MeV probes MSW upturn at low energies, tests for non-standard interactions Generally important to measure fundamental processes

40 KamLAND 1000 tons (80% dodecane, 20% pseudocumene) 1880 PMTs (17” and 20”) –34% photocathode coverage singles spectrum shows 210 Pb and 85 Kr and also 40 K contamination must purify liquid scintillator to achieve solar sensitivity goal: 10 5 to 10 6 reduction

41 2092 meters deep underground 1000 tons of ultrapure D 2 O in a 12 meter diameter acrylic vessel 7000 tons of ultrapure H 2 O as shield 9500 PMTs mounted on a 18 meter diameter frame electronics, DAQ, understanding of our detector A l r e a d y E x i s t s ! SNO+ 1000 tons of ultrapure liquid scintillator in a 12 meter diameter acrylic vessel SNO

42 Fill with Liquid Scintillator SNO plus liquid scintillator physics program –pep and CNO low energy solar neutrinos tests the neutrino-matter interaction, sensitive to new physics –geo-neutrinos –240 km baseline reactor neutrino oscillations –supernova neutrinos –double beta decay (first phase)

43 SNO+ Collaboration Queen’s University M. Boulay, M. Chen, X. Dai, E. Guillian, P. Harvey, C. Kraus, C. Lan, A. McDonald, V. Novikov, S. Quirk, P. Skensved, A. Wright University of Alberta A. Hallin, C. Krauss Carleton University K. Graham Laurentian University D. Hallman, C. Virtue SNOLAB B. Cleveland, F. Duncan, R. Ford, N. Gagnon, J. Heise, C. Jillings, I. Lawson Brookhaven National Laboratory R. Hahn, M. Yeh, Y. Williamson Idaho State University K. Keeter, J. Popp, E. Tatar University of Pennsylvania G. Beier, H. Deng, B. Heintzelman, J. Klein, J. Secrest University of Washington N. Tolich, J. Wilkerson University of Dresden K. Zuber LIP Lisbon S. Andringa, N. Barros, J. Maneira University of Sussex S. Peeters University of Oxford S. Biller, N, Jelley, J, Wilson

44 SNO+ AV Hold Down Existing AV Support Ropes

45 SNO+ AV Hold Down AV Hold Down Ropes Existing AV Support Ropes

46 Background from 11 C Eliminated SNO+ is at 6000 m.w.e. depth –muon flux reduced a factor 800 compared to Kamioka and a factor 100 compared to Gran Sasso –recall KamLAND’s post-purification goal KamLAND and Borexino will try to tag and veto the 11 C to suppress at SNO+ depth this background is already smaller than the signal and one can still tag and veto

47 SNO+ pep Solar Neutrino Signal 3600 pep events/(kton·year), for electron recoils >0.8 MeV

48 a liquid scintillator detector has poor energy resolution; but enormous quantities of isotope (high statistics) and low backgrounds help compensate large, homogeneous liquid detector leads to well-defined background model –fewer types of material near fiducial volume –meters of self-shielding possibly source in–source out capability SNO+ Double Beta Decay

49 150 Nd 3.37 MeV endpoint (9.7 ± 0.7 ± 1.0) × 10 18 yr 2  half-life measured by NEMO-III isotopic abundance 5.6% 1% natural Nd-loaded liquid scintillator in SNO+ has 560 kg of 150 Nd compared to 37 g in NEMO-III cost: $1000 per kg for metallic Nd; cheaper is NdCl 3 …$86 per kg for 1 tonne table from F. Avignone Neutrino 2004

50 using the carboxylate technique that was developed originally for LENS and now also used for Gd-loaded scintillator we successfully loaded Nd into pseudocumene and in linear alkylbenzene (>1% concentration) with 1% Nd loading (natural Nd) we found very good neutrinoless double beta decay sensitivity… Nd-Loaded Scintillator

51 0 : 1000 events per year with 1% natural Nd-loaded liquid scintillator in SNO+ Test = 0.150 eV maximum likelihood statistical test of the shape to extract 0 and 2 components…~240 units of  2 significance after only 1 year! Klapdor-Kleingrothaus et al., Phys. Lett. B 586, 198, (2004) simulation: one year of data

52 at 1% loading (natural Nd), there is too much light absorption by Nd –47±6 pe/MeV (from Monte Carlo) at 0.1% loading (isotopically enriched to 56%) our Monte Carlo predicts –400±21 pe/MeV Light Output and Concentration

53 Nd-150 Consortium SuperNEMO and SNO+, MOON and DCBA are supporting efforts to maintain an existing French AVLIS facility that is capable of making 100’s of kg of enriched Nd –a facility that enriched 204 kg of U (from 0.7% to 2.5%) in several hundred hours

54 Statistical Sensitivity in SNO+ 500 kg isotope 56 kg isotope 3 sigma detection on at least 5 out of 10 fake data sets 2 /0 decay rates are from Elliott & Vogel, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 52, 115 (2002) corresponds to 0.1% natural Nd LS in SNO+

55 SNO+ Nd Broadbrush Schedule end of 2009: fill and run with pure scintillator 2010: add Nd 2011: below 100 meV sensitivity reached if natural Nd and below 50 meV reached if enriched Nd

56 SNO+ Project Grant Review for NSERC GSC-19 (January, 2008) Executive Summary The physics reach of SNO+ is outstanding. SNO+ can be one of the first experiments to test the evidence for neutrinoless double decay that was reported by Klapdor et al. and can obtain the world’s best sensitivity for this process after several years of data taking... In addition, SNO+ has the potential of making a precision measurement of the pep solar neutrino flux ( ∼ 5%), which would enable a search for physics beyond the Standard Model... Overall, the review committee endorses the plan to go “full speed ahead” 2008-09: $1M unconditional; $300k conditional on external engineering review of the final AV hold down design, to take place this summer. 2009-10: $800k unconditional; $500k capital funding conditional on CFI approval of the SNO+ capital request.

57 Physicists evaluating UK funding landscape

58 Plan to submit SoI in a few months No Common Fund No M & O No major hardware purchase (“We already gave”) STFC VERY inexpensive way to capitalise on previous UK investment and still have extremely high impact doing world-leading physics

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