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ENG241/ Lab #11 ENG2410 Digital Design LAB #1 Introduction Combinational Logic Design.

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1 ENG241/ Lab #11 ENG2410 Digital Design LAB #1 Introduction Combinational Logic Design

2 ENG241/ Lab #12 Lab Objectives  Introduce Equipment used in Digital Design Lab.  Build some basic combinational circuits.  Get handy with good practice of testing and debugging.

3 ENG241/ Lab #13 The Breadboard  Is used to assemble your components and wires to form the circuit.

4 ENG241/ Lab #14 The SSI Integrated Circuits  The logic gates are integrated in a single chip (IC).  Most of the IC used are 14pin.  You will be using basic gates: AND, OR, NOT.

5 ENG241/ Lab #15 IC Pin Connections  IC Information  Webpage 

6 Power Supply ENG241/ Lab #16  The Power Supply will provide you with +5 Volts and GND.  Connect the black lead to GND  Connect the Red lead to +5V

7 ENG241/ Lab #17 The Probe  Connect the probe to +5 V and GND.  The Probe will be used to check the outputs and inputs for debugging.

8 ENG241/ Lab #18 Part 1  In this part of the Lab you will implement the following function: This is a 4 input function. Build the circuit using SSI logic.

9 ENG241/ Lab #19 Part 2  In this part of the Lab you will implement the following function: This is a 3 input function. Draw the circuit diagram. Build the circuit using SSI logic.

10 3-input AND/OR Gates ENG241/ Lab #110  If you are asked to use only 2-input AND gates and OR gates then you can construct a 3-input AND gate using TWO 2-input AND gates. The same applies for 3-input OR gates.

11 Academic Misconduct  Reports and demos are submitted as a group, but it is a SINGLE group effort  You may talk with other groups but sharing codes or reports is NOT ALLOWED  Copying reports from previous years is also NOT ALLOWED  If we find copying we are REQUIRED to report it

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