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The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Our Vision To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world. To have each person fully engaged.

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Presentation on theme: "The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Our Vision To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world. To have each person fully engaged."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Our Vision To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world. To have each person fully engaged and being used by God to fulfill their unique calling. To raise up successive generations who hunger to give their lives to Jesus and see the Kingdom come Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed.

2 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Abide Abide: To rest in, To remain attached to, Hang out, Make Space for God to Speak 1. The Examen – God speaking into everyday life 2. Lectio Divina – God speaking through scripture

3 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. The Prodigal Son Lk. 15:11-32 (NLT) “I will go home to my father” (15:18) “We must celebrate…for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life.” (15:23,24) What is the problem: What you’re doing? Where you are?

4 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. God’s Presence Omnipresence “everywhere present” Never unavailable or absence Entering His presence Delusion of hiding The Issue Why am I normally absent from God’s presence? How can I become more present?

5 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Why Am I Absent? Not comfortable with God More comfortable with some attributes than others Sovereignty, power, truth, holiness, majesty Mercy, compassion, love, comfort, personal interest Relational attributes are more important than others when it comes to entering God’s presence What if God is better than we think?

6 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Why Am I Absent? Not Comfortable with Myself My weaknesses “I need to get my life together, spend more time with God, deal with some critical problem areas…..” “You’re just trying to sort yourself out in order to come to Me and I just want you to come to Me and then I can sort you out.” “I feel so discouraged with parts of my life, tired of working on them, not liking at all the behaviours I see in myself….” “I know you better than you know yourself. I not only know you, John, but I like you. I enjoy your presence and am so pleased when we can connect even a little bit.” Does sin separate us from God?

7 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. How Can I Be More Present? Mindset God really desires my presence, exactly as I am Nothing in you will surprise Him Focus on what He has done for you Comfortable with God Accept the reality of God’s nature (have faith in it!) He is always present (Heb 13:5) He is personally interested in me (Mt 6:30, 10:30) He wants to come alongside me (Mt 11:28-30)

8 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. How Can I Be More Present? Comfortable with yourself Accept what God has already done in your life (without any help from you!) Separated you from your sins (Ps 103:13) You are fully known by Him (Jn 10:27) Choose to rest in Him Spend time without an agenda Stillness is partly a gift from God Lay your noise at His feet Acknowledge His presence, His love, His desire for you. Find your rest in Him (rather than struggling to be restful in yourself)

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