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By: Toni Francis. Rembrandt Van Rijn  Known for being one the worlds greatest painter, Rembrandt was born in 1609 in Leiden, Netherlands.  In his religious.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Toni Francis. Rembrandt Van Rijn  Known for being one the worlds greatest painter, Rembrandt was born in 1609 in Leiden, Netherlands.  In his religious."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Toni Francis

2 Rembrandt Van Rijn  Known for being one the worlds greatest painter, Rembrandt was born in 1609 in Leiden, Netherlands.  In his religious works, he often chose subject that were uncommon in Catholic art, focusing on the human and even the intimately personal aspects of old and new testament stories.  Rembrandt died in October 4, 1669 at the age of 63, but his life wasn’t in vain because he made marvelous artwork that showed the bible in new ways.

3 Rembrandt’s famous artwork The Return of the Prodigal Son Christ Preaching: The Hundred-Guilder

4 Michelangelo Merisi aka Carvaggio  Born in 1571, the leading painter of the 17 th Century, Carvaggio flouted renaissance artistic conventions.  He flouted the law. He was arrested for the violent acts that ranged from throwing a plate at a taverns keeper to murder.  He killed a tennis player in 1606 he was forced to flee Rome.  In his paintings, Carvaggio dramatized events with strong contrasts of light and dark that give his figures a sculptural presence.  He died in 1610.

5 Caravaggio's Painting The Crucifixion of St. Peter 1601

6 Artemisia Gentileschi  Artemisia was born in Rome in 1593. She was the daughter of a highly esteemed painter, himself a follower of Caravaggio.  Since women were not permitted to draw from nude male models they rarely painted large-scale canvases with biblical historical or mythological themes.  Gentileschi paintings however challenged tradition. Her powerful rendering of Judith Slaying Holofenes, which compares in size and impact with Caravaggio’s crucifixion of St. Peters  Artemisia Gentileschi died in 1653. Judith Slaying Holofenes

7 Andrea Pozzo  Born in1642, he was a master of the techniques of linear perspective and dramatic foreshortening.  He made the ceiling above the clerestory appear to open up so the viewer gazes “through” the roof into the heavens that receive the levitating body of the saint.

8 Apotheosis of St. Ignatius 1691

9 Claude Gellee aka Claude Lorrain  He was born in 1600.  Claude was responsible for popularizing the genre known as the “ideal landscape”. A landscape painted in the high- minded, idealized style usually found in traditional moral subjects.  He died in 1682.

10 The marriage of Isaac and Rebekah

11 Nicolas Poussin  Born in 1594, Poussin spent most of his life in Rome absorbing the heritage of the classical and renaissance past.  He revered the high renaissance master Raphael as the leading proponent of the classical style.  He died in 1665

12 Arcadian Shepherds

13 Peter Paul Rubens  Rubens was born in 1577. Rubens was an internationally renowned Flemish painter.  He established his reputation in the courts of Europe. He was fluent in six language and traveled widely as a diplomat and an art dealer her royal patrons in Italy, England and France.

14 Rape of the Daughters

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