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Let The Game Begin PICKLE-BALL Ball Net Paddle Court.

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2 Let The Game Begin

3 PICKLE-BALL Ball Net Paddle Court

4 A SHORT HISTORY OF THE GAME The Pickle-Ball game was invented in 1965 in Seattle, Washington USA by Mr Joel Pritchard, the ex-congressman, and Mr Bill Bell, a successful businessman. The original purpose was to provide a game that the whole family might enjoy regardless of level of athletic ability and strength. However, it can also be and has been played competitively. Pickle-Ball has enjoyed widespread growth throughout the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong and now in Singapore and Malaysia. There are some 75,000 people playing Pickle-Ball in United States alone and the number is increasing rapidly as it is an inexpensive and easy game to play. Although originally the game was meant for family to have an active, healthy and meaningful life, it is now also well accepted by the youth and all walks of life. It is a fun court game for all.

5 The Game Pickleball is a simple paddle game, a hybrid of Badminton, Tennis and Table-Tennis, playing with a whiffleball over a net, on a badminton-sized court. The ball is served underhand, without bouncing it from the court, and is served diagonally to the opponent's service zone. Points are scored by the serving side only and occur when the opponent faults (fails to return the ball, hits the ball out of bounds, etc.). The server continues to serve, altering service courts, until the server faults. A game is won by the first side to reach eleven (11) points but will continue until won by a two point margin.

6 Fault-Side Out Hitting the ball out of bounds Not clearing the net Stepping into the non- volley zone and volleying the ball Volleying the ball before it has bounced once on each side of the net.

7 Court Size Court: 20’ x 44’ The net is hung 36” in the middle. Whiffle balls are used for the ball

8 Unique Pickleball Features · Serve Position: Server can have one foot inside the baseline, as long as the other foot is outside at moment of serve. · Service Bounce Rule (Double Bounce): Following serve, each side must make at least one ground-stroke, prior to volleying the ball (hitting it before it has bounced). · Non-volley Zone: A player cannot volley a ball while standing within the non-volley zone.

9 Volley Hit it the air without first letting it bounce. All volleying must be done with player’s feet behind the non-volley zone line. Stepping over the line on the follow through is a fault.

10 Double Bounce Rule Each team must play their first shot off the bounce. The receiving team must let the serve bounce, and the serving team must let the return of the serve bounce before playing it. After two bounces—one on each side—then the ball can be either volleyed or played off the bounce.

11 Serve Toss coin or rally the ball until a fault is made—Winner has the option of serving first or not serving first. Must keep one foot behind the back line when serving. Must be underhand. Paddle must pass below the waist. Must hit the ball in the air on the serve—No bouncing the ball then serving. Only One serve attempt, unless the ball touches the net on the serve and lands in the correct service court. The first serving team at the beginning of the match--is allowed only one fault before giving up the ball to the opponents. After that both members of each team will serve and fault before the ball is given to the other team. The player in the right hand court will always start play.

12 Scoring A team can only score a point when serving. A player who is serving will continue to serve until a fault is made by his team. The game is played to 11 points, a team must win by 2 points.

13 General Scoring The player who starts the game in the right hand court—score 0—will always be in the right hand court when his team’s score is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. The hand below the wrist is part of the paddle and shots off any part of it are good.

14 Rubric—Skills, Strategy and Rules, Attitude Pickleball Grading Rubric A =100-95% Skills: In ready position most of the time. Tries to use a variety of strokes Strategy & Rules: Attempts to move opponent around the court. Plays by the rules. Attitude: Participates with all classmates, provides occasional positive feedback (no negative). B = 85% Skills: Sporadically uses ready position. Uses only underhand and forehand strokes most of the time. Strategy & Rules: Unable to consistently keep ball in play. Not sure of the rules. Attitude: Interactions limited or lean toward being more negative. C = 75% Skills: Seldom use ready position. Rarely able to maintain a volley. Strategy & Rules: Unable to demonstrate. Attitude: Many negative interactions. D/F = 65%-0% Skills: Does not attempt to improve. Strategy & Rules: Unable to demonstrate. Attitude: Mostly negative interactions with other students.

15 Review Court size? On the serve, what are 3 things the server must remember to do in order to score a point? On the serve, what must the receiving team remember to do in order to get a side out? What is a volley? What is the Double Bounce Rule? Name at least 3 faults. How many points do you play to? Who begins the serve? Right or Left Player After a point is scored, what does the serving team do?


17 What is the United States of America Pickleball Association? The United States of America Pickleball Association {USAPA} was organized to perpetuate the growth and advancement of pickleball to a national level. Our plans also include goals for worldwide play and recognition. The USAPA published it’s first rulebook in March, 1984, followed by a revised edition in January, 1985 The purpose of the rule book is to provide the pickleball player with the expanded rules necessary for organized league and tournament play. These official rules are critical to the advancement of the game. As players continue to appear nation wide the USAPA rulebook and web site insures the consistency and integrity of picklball. Imagine trying to organize local, state, and national tournaments with players using different rules, equipment, and court dimensions! The USAPA is the only long lasting governing body of pickleball. Providing tournaments, detailed rulebooks, a ranking system, and promotions since 1984! The USAPA is a non-profit organization and is chartered to promote pickleball for the enjoyment of its members. With the rapid growth of pickleball and this strong organization to lead, we encourage sponsors to contribute goods, services, advertisements and money so our sport can grow. If you are a fan of this wonderful activity the most important thing you can do to grow this sport is to become a member. Membership fees enable us support the programs that are consistent with USAPA goals. They are; expose the self-esteem qualities of Pickleball to youth, provide quality tournaments for top level players, and introduce the "Fountain of Youth" qualities to seniors! We believe the world is a happier healthier place with pickleball in it!

18 Why should I join the United States of America Pickleball Association? You probably love the game of pickleball as much as we do here at USAPA. Like you, we want see the game grow! We believe pickleball will become a national sport if it has a strong organization behind it. That is why your membership is so important. It is the foundation on which this organization grows. Strong membership = strong association = strong promotion, organization and tournaments = corporation sponsorship and the cycle continues. The President’s challenge is to increase membership by 2000 members before the end of the year. Reaching that goal provides us with the computer equipment, office supplies, liability insurance, printing costs, tournament costs, etc. We need to take Pickleball from its present status to national sport. Also, upon reaching that goal of 2000 new members the USAPA will set a date for the first grand prize national championship. This will be a the most promoted event ever with a minimum $1,000 to the winners of selected divisions! As a member you will receive these benefits: 1} USAPA membership numbers valid for one year. 2} Use that number to order official USAPA equipment at a 10% discount! Paddles, balls, shirts and other cool stuff! {See our web store}See our web store 3} Receive the 22 page Official Pickleball Tournament Rulebook! 4} Receive 2 official tournament balls! 5} Gain entry to the "members only" section of the web site. This will contain huge discounts on slight blemished pickleball products. ie. Paint flaws on paddles, slight flawed USAPA hats and shirts. Though only available when we have them, it is worth your while to check often and find Pro-Lite paddles as low as $8, Shirts for $5 and more! The "members only" will also have access to special articles, photo’s, and video of Pickleball action! 6} You will be entered in a drawing to receive 4 USAPA color-matching hats, paddles and shirts! 7} For those without internet access or who request it, receive 4 newsletter publications per year! As a member you will feel a sense of community interacting with players from around the country. By joining we are confident that you will get more enjoyment from your game and help spread pickleball! Our web site will be #1 source for Pickleball information. If the site does not have the information your looking for e-mail us direct or call 1-888-775-9615. USAPA Membership Application Name__________________________ Age ______________________ Street__________________________ City_______________________ State___________________________ Zip_______________________ Phone#_________________________ e-mail: ______________________ {in addition to the membership fee please include an additional contribution so we can bring pickleball to youth and seniors……If you can afford it. 1 year membership $25 ____________ For Visa or MasterCard payments please e-mail or fax 1-888-775-9615e-mail additional contribution $25 _____________ credit card #_______________________ expiration date_____ Additional contribution $50 _____________ to or 1-888-775-9615 additional contribution $100 _____________ or send check to: USAPA3504 Fox Spit RDLangley, WA 98260 Total _________

19 Doubles Play Player in the right hand court serves diagonally across court to receiver in opposite right hand court. The ball must clear the non-volley zone and land in the right hand court. The receiver must let the ball bounce—serving team must also let the return bounce before playing it—DOUBLE BOUNCE RULE. If the fault is made by the receiving team, a point is scored by the serving team. When the serving team wins a point, they switch courts (on their side) and the same player will continue to serve. When the serving team makes a fault, players will stay in the same court and the second partner will then serve. When they make their second fault they will stay in the same courts and turn the ball over to the other team. Players switch courts only after scoring.

20 General Play Both members of the serving team should be back near the baseline at the time of the serve so that neither will forget to let the first returned ball bounce before they return it.

21 General After the ball is in play, lobbing it over the opponent’s head can be an effective strategy. A ball landing on the line is good. If a player sees that the ball is going to land in the non- volley zone, move back and let it bounce before returning it.—Non-volley zone.

22 Court Service Line Non Volley Zone Service Area

23 MORE RULES OF PICKLE-BALL It can be played in singles, doubles or mixed doubles. The scoring system is identical to badminton: only the side with the service can score points. Each match is decided over 3 games with each game played to 11 or 15 points. Deuce is set at 10 points in a 11 points game; 14 points in a 15 points game. In a rubber set, players change sides at 6 points in an 11 points game or 8 points in a 15 points game. All services must be below the waist. The receiving player must let the ball bounce once before returning the serve. The serving side has to let the return of the serve bounce once before returning the shot. The ball can be volleyed during rally only after the above two bounces. Winning Pickle-Ball will be the result of putting the ball where you want, controlling the tempo of the game, and keeping the ball in play. Size and strength are not major factors in who will win the game, because strategy and tatics tend to be just as important in the final outcome. Pickle-Ball is an ideal family sport as it is very easy to learn. Mixed doubles are great fun with father and daughter trying their skills against mother and son. Father versus daughter and mother versus son games will provide outstanding family entertainment and fitness. The small court size (only 20ft. x 44ft.) provides for long rallies and a variety of play by players determined to win over their opponents. The fast volley exchanges increase the fun for players and spectators. Pickle-Ball is played by 2 or 4 players on a court identical to a badminton doubles court in size. Easilylowering the net to 3 feet on the badminton doubles court will convert it to a Pickle-Ball court. Lightweightpaddles (slightly larger than a Ping-Pong Ball paddle) and a plastic perforated ball are the keys to producing long, exciting rallies consisting of volleys at the net and ground strikes similar to tennis. The game involves strategies that includes the lob, overhead, smash, passing shots by the opponent at the net and the fast volley exchanges.

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