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WELCOME Mrs. Waters Learn, Aspire, Be Mrs. Waters’ Marvellous Meerkats.

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1 WELCOME Mrs. Waters Learn, Aspire, Be Mrs. Waters’ Marvellous Meerkats






7 RECOMMENDED READING LIST Kensuke’s KingdomMichael Morpurgo Billy the KidMichael Morpurgo CoolMichael Morpurgo The Sheep PigDick King-Smith Bill’s New FrockAnne Fine The Hundred Mile an Hour DogJeremy Strong Return of the Hundred Mile an Hour DogJeremy Strong The Naughtiest Girl in the SchoolEnid Blyton Secret Seven seriesEnid Blyton Famous Five seriesEnid Blyton Animal Ark seriesLucy Daniels Horrid Henry seriesFrancesca Henry’s Charlotte’s WebE B White Flat StanleyJeff Brown Fungus the BogeymanRaymond Briggs Mystery WinkleseaHelen Cresswell The Indian in the CupboardLynne Reid Banks Mr MajeikaHumphrey Carpenter Please Mrs ButlerAllan Ahlberg The Sam Pig Story BookAlison Uttley Railway CatPhyllis Arkle Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s StoneJ K Rowling

8 ASSESSMENT Formative assessment strategies (self and peer assessment) Marking Policy Core Competencies, Certificates etc.

9 HOME LEARNING The children will be given Maths, English and Spelling homework each TUESDAY. This is to be returned by SUNDAY. Spelling tests will be done on Sundays. Mental Maths targets will be set and sent home for the children to work on – Focus on Times Tables. The children may be given projects to work on at home – extra time will be given for such activities. The children are expected to read for 20 minutes each day. Home readers will be sent home for the children to read with an adult. Please sign the Reading Record once the books have been completed and ask your child to bring them in to class to enable us to exchange them. A list of useful websites can be found in the Communication Books,

10 ROUTINES Timetables on the GLG – we will update if there are any changes. Healthy snacks – At all times Birthdays – Healthy snacks, small gifts for classmates ECA – Sign up using the GLG

11 TALK about Learning Ask questions about the world around us, support with repetition, and extend learning by introducing new vocabulary, ideas and examples (This best done without TV, phones or distractions) SHARE Learning Read together (proven best activity for Primary children) Explore and experiment with new things (kitchen science, building, learning through play, etc.) ENCOURAGE Learning Give specific feedback on how/what they are learning (simply state what they are learning) Role model a positive attitude towards learning, teachers, and school Role model perseverance and discipline – show your child that you stick with challenging tasks Set and guide their daily routines – this also promotes independence, stability and confidence Set high standards and realistic expectations – Discuss and agree on what is expected academically, behaviourally and socially PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT

12 Staff availability - Appointments can be made via the Communication Books / email / Reception Communication books – updates / notes / homework letters

13 LET’S GET BLOGGING! This QR code will take you to our class blog. This will be Updated each week and will help to keep you up to date With what is going on in our class. The Marvellous Meerkats would LOVE to read your Positive comments!


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