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 A Step-by-Step Guide to Inform Instructional Planning Educational Service Center North 2014-15.

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Presentation on theme: " A Step-by-Step Guide to Inform Instructional Planning Educational Service Center North 2014-15."— Presentation transcript:

1  A Step-by-Step Guide to Inform Instructional Planning Educational Service Center North 2014-15

2  Gain a deeper understanding of the purpose and organization of the 2014- 15 ELA Curriculum Maps.  Understand how teachers can utilize the Curriculum Maps to plan and inform instruction.  Provide ELA classroom look-fors aligned to the Curriculum Maps. Educational Service Center North


4 The Curriculum Maps were designed to:  Provide a global vision of the academic year.  Assist ELA teachers in aligning their instructional program to the CCSS.  Allow teachers, departments, and schools flexibility in selecting texts and support strategies.  Maintain consistency throughout the District for students regarding standards taught and assessments given. Educational Service Center North

5 Educational Service Center North

6  5 Instructional Windows  Standards bundles to be taught within each Instructional Window  An essential question and a culminating task for each Instructional Window Educational Service Center North






12 1. Using the One-Pager, teachers:  Review the Focus Standards.  Review the Essential Question.  Review the Culminating Task. What must students know and be able to do? What does proficiency look like? Educational Service Center North

13 1. Using the One-Pager, teachers:  Review the Focus Standards.  Review the Essential Question.  Review the Culminating Task. 2. Then, they review the Grade __ ELA Year-At-A-Glance:  Textual Study.  Craft and Language Study.  Textual Expression. Educational Service Center North

14  Current Anthologies  AAP Lessons  LAUSD Consumable Texts  Additional (Appropriate and Credible) Supplemental Resources Educational Service Center North

15 Teachers should consider:  What academic vocabulary, or language of the standards, will they teach this Instructional Window?  How will they incorporate language instruction into daily lessons? Educational Service Center North

16 Teachers should consider:  What strategies and activities will students use to:  Engage with the text?  Demonstrate their understanding of concepts and ideas?  How will they incorporate varied forms of writing every day into daily lessons? Educational Service Center North

17 All writing genres are embedded into each instructional window. Educational Service Center North


19 1. Using the One-Pager, teachers:  Review the Focus Standards.  Review the Essential Question.  Review the Culminating Task. 2. Then, they review the Grade __ ELA Year-At-A-Glance:  Textual Study.  Craft and Language Study.  Textual Expression. 3. Plan their unit. Educational Service Center North

20  Quality over Quantity  Close reading and rereading of short texts and/or text selections  Utilize Available Resources  Anthology Alignment Project (AAP) Lessons  AAP Lesson Planning Template  Include frequent formative assessments  How will teachers monitor to ensure that students are successfully working toward proficiency of the focus standards? Educational Service Center North

21  Resiliency is a common thread throughout the Curriculum Maps.  Overarching themes can help to unify each Instructional Window.  Examples of overarching themes that incorporate resiliency:  The American Dream  Growing Up  Identity Educational Service Center North

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